◆ My car is bigger than Brian’s [car].
◆ My car is bigger than Brian’s [car].
◆ My car is bigger than the Smiths’ [car].
◆ My toes are longer than Brian’s [toes].
◆ My toes are longer than the Smiths’ [toes].
◆ Whereas I drink 2 quarts of milk a day, my friend drinks 3 [quarts].
◆ I walk faster than Brian [walks].
◆ I walk as fast now as [I walked] when I was younger.
而有时为了避免产生歧义我们也会加入助动词,如be ,do 和have 等:
◆ Ambiguous: I like cheese more than Yvette. (Yvette could be subject or object.)
◆ Right: I like cheese more than Yvette DOES. (= than Yvette likes cheese)
◆ Right: I like cheese more than I DO Yvette. (= than I like Yvette)
◆ Right: Apples are more healthy to eat than caramels.
◆ Right: Apples are more healthy to eat than caramels ARE.