GMAT 考满分题库

GWD - 语法SC - 266
Until a few centuries ago, any large bones discovered in the fields or caves of Europe, now known to be large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be the remains of giants and were often displayed as curiosities in castles, palaces, town halls, churches, and monasteries.
  • Anow known to be large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be 分析该选项
  • Bpresently known as from large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed as 分析该选项
  • Cbones now known to be those of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be 分析该选项
  • Dbones known at present as of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed as those of 分析该选项
  • Ecurrently known as those of large prehistoric animals, were usually assumed to be those of 分析该选项
正确答案: C

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