PREP 08 Test 1

PREP08的破解版本里面剔除了旧prep中已有的题目,prep08版题号是prep07版的延续,题号从170至258,共 89 题。


序号 题目内容
230 Turning away from literary realism to write romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, in 1909 Selma Lagerlöf was the novelist who became the first woman and was also the first Swedish writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
231 The globalization of financial-services companies has been a boon to money launders, because of allowing money placed in a bank in a less regulated jurisdiction to be transferred to a branch in a more regulated one.
232 The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.
233 Prospecting for gold during the California gold rush was a relatively easy task, because of erosion, prehistoric glacier movement, and ancient, gold-bearing riverbeds thrust to the surface by volcanic activity put gold literally within reach for anybody with a pan or shovel.
234 The Industrial Revolution, making it possible to mass-produce manufactured goods, was marked by their use of new machines, new energy sources, and new basic materials.
235 A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer's Cane has been called one of the three best novels ever written by Black Americans-the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man.
236 The 32 species that make up the dolphin family are closely related to whales and in fact include the animal known as the killer whale, which can grow to be 30 feet long and is famous for its aggressive hunting pods.
237 Concerns about public health led to the construction between 1876 and 1904 of three separate sewer systems to serve metropolitan Boston.
238 A new hair-growing drug is being sold for three times the price, per milligram, as the drug's maker charges for another product with the same active ingredient.
239 Were it not for the fusion-powered heat and radiation that rush from its core, instead its own weight would cause a star to collapse.
240 According to public health officials, in 1998 Massachusetts became the first state in which more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than under it.
241 Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, while in Germany it is just over 33 percent.
242 Retail sales rose 0.8 of 1 percent in August, intensifying expectations that personal spending in the July–September quarter more than doubled that of the 1.4 percent growth rate in personal spending for the previous quarter.
1 Sulfur dioxide, a major contributor to acid rain, is an especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the respiratory system's ability to deal with all other pollutants.
244 In Japan, a government advisory committee called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, the largest telephone company in the world, so it would be two local phone companies and one long-distance provider.
245 In no other historical sighting did Halley's Comet cause such a worldwide sensation as did its return in 1910–1911.
246 Scientists have identified an asteroid, 2000 BF19, that is about half a mile wide and, if it strikes Earth, it can do tremendous damage to part of the planet but probably not cause planetwide destruction.
247 Minivans carry as many as seven passengers and, compared with most sport utility vehicles, cost less, get better gas mileage, allow passengers to get in and out more easily, and have a smoother ride.
248 The United States minted about 857 million silver-colored "Susan B . Anthony" dollars between 1979 and 1981, but the coin proved unpopular because it looked and felt too much like a quarter.
249 In Hungary, as in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of which are in middle management and light industry.




