PREP 07 Test 2

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序号 题目内容
61 The more frequently employees take time to exercise during working hours each week, the fewer sick days they take. Even employees who exercise only once a week during working hours take less sick time than those who do not exercise. Therefore, if companies started fitness programs, the absentee rate in those companies would decrease significantly.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
62 Recently a court ruled that current law allows companies to reject a job applicant if working in the job would entail a 90 percent chance that the applicant would suffer a heart attack. The presiding judge justified the ruling, saying that it protected both employees and employers.The use of this court ruling as part of the law could not be effective in regulating employment practices if which of the following were true?
63 Guitar strings often go "dead"-become less responsive and bright in tone-after a few weeks of intense use. A researcher whose son is a classical guitarist hypothesized that dirt and oil, rather than changes in the material properties of the string, were responsible.Which of the following investigations is most likely to yield significant information that would help evaluate the researcher's hypothesis?
64 To protect certain fledgling industries, the government of country Z banned imports of the types of products those industries were starting to make. As a direct result, the cost of those products to the buyers, several export-dependent industries in Z, went up, sharply limiting the ability of those industries to compete effectively in their export markets.Which of the following can be most properly inferred from the passage about the products whose importation was banned?
65 Treatment for hypertension forestalls certain medical expenses by preventing strokes and heart disease.Yet any money so saved amounts to only one-fourth of the expenditures required to treat the hypertensive population.Therefore, there is no economic justification for preventive treatment for hypertension.Which of the following, if true, is most damaging to the conclusion above?
66 The sustained massive use of pesticides in farming has two effects that are especially pernicious.First, it often kills off the pests' natural enemies in the area.Second, it often unintentionally gives rise to insecticide-resistant pests, since those insects that survive a particular insecticide will be the ones most resistant to it, and they are the ones left to breed.From the passage above, it can be properly inferred that the effectiveness of the sustained massive use of pesticides can be extended by doing which of the following, assuming that each is a realistic possibility?
67 Transnational cooperation among corporations is experiencing a modest renaissance among United States firms.even though projects undertaken by two or more corporations under a collaborative agreement are less profitable than projects undertaken by a single corporation.The advantage of transnational cooperation is that such joint international projects may allow United States firms to win foreign contracts that they would not otherwise be able to win.Which of the following is information provided by the passage above?
68 Leaders of a miners' union on strike against Coalco are contemplating additional measures to pressure the company to accept the union's contract proposal. The union leaders are considering as their principal new tactic a consumer boycott against Gasco gas stations, which are owned by Energy Incorporated, the same corporation that owns Coalco.The answer to which of the following questions is LEAST directly relevant to the union leaders' consideration of whether attempting a boycott of Gasco will lead to acceptance of their contract proposal?




