《(2016)GMAT官方指南》 OG 16

《(2016)GMAT官方指南(综合)》是中国大陆唯一的授权版本。相较于上一版,2016年新版官方指南增加了25%的新内容,书中包含900道全真试题和自测练习,涵盖GMAT考试所有题型,并配有全面的答案解析。 其中,OG16的RC部分共有 139 题,全部经由老师核对确认并标上题号及难度(根据官方标准划分)。


序号 题目内容
122 The primary purpose of the passage is to
123 Which of the following statements about the modernization of the telephone exchange is supported by information in the passage?
124 Which of the following most accurately describes Clark`s opinion of Braverman`s position?
125 The information in the passage suggests that which of the following statements from hypothetical sociological studies of change in industry most clearly exemplifies the social constructivists` version of technological determinism?
126 The information in the passage suggests that Clark believes that which of the following would be true if social constructivism had not gained widespread acceptance?
127 According to the passage, constructivists employed which of the following to promote their argument?
128 [line:25:enable]The author of the passage uses the expression "are supposed to" in highlight text primarily in order to
129 Which of the following statements about Clark`s study of the telephone exchange can be inferred from information in the passage?
130 The author of the passage discusses Krontiris primarily to provide an example of a writer who
131 According to the passage, Krontiris`s work differs from that of the scholars mentioned in highlight text in which of the following ways?
132 According to the passage, feminist scholars cite Burckhardt`s view of Renaissance women primarily for which of the following reasons?
133 It can be inferred that both Burckhardt and Kelly have been criticized by the scholars mentioned in highlight text for which of the following?
134 The author of the passage suggests that Krontiris incorrectly assumes that
135 The last sentence in the passage serves primarily to
136 The author of the passage implies that the women studied by Krontiris are unusual in which of the following ways?
137 The author of the passage mentions calculations about tunneling time and barrier thickness in order to
138 The passage implies that if tunneling time reached no maximum in increasing with barrier thickness, then
139 Which of the following statements about the earliest scientific investigators of quantum tunneling can be inferred from the passage?




