GMAT 考满分题库

- 语法SC -
Scientists claim that the discovery of the first authenticated mammal bones in amber could provide important clues of determining, in addition to how, when mammals colorized the islands of the West Indies.
  • Aof determining, in addition to how, when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies 分析该选项
  • Bin the determination of how and when the islands of the West Indies were colonized by mammals 分析该选项
  • Cto determine how mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did 分析该选项
  • Dfor determining when the islands of the West Indies were colonized by mammals and how they were 分析该选项
  • Efor determining how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies 分析该选项
正确答案: E

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