GMAT 考满分题库

Magoosh - 逻辑CR - 86
A construction project has been tasked with building a four-lane road from a remote mountain fortress to a major expressway lying at the base of the mountain. The slope leading to the mountain fortress is so precipitous that the only conceivable way to carry out the project is by building the road downhill, since construction equipment is able to move down, but not up, the steep terrain. The foreman has devised the following solution: dismantle each construction vehicle and tie a part upon the back of a donkey, an animal capable of making the steep ascent. The foreman has at his disposal more than 100 donkeys, each of which is capable of making multiple trips up the mountain.

In order for the foreman`s plan to be successful, which of the following pieces of information is most important?
  • AWhether the strongest donkey is able to transport the heaviest piece of equipment 分析该选项
  • BWhether the weakest donkey is able to transport the lightest piece of equipment 分析该选项
  • CWhether any donkey is capable of transporting multiple parts 分析该选项
  • DWhether the second strongest donkey is able to transport the heaviest piece of equipment 分析该选项
  • EWhether the weakest donkey is able to transport the heaviest piece of equipment 分析该选项
正确答案: A

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