Metropolitan Concert Hall was half full on Tuesday night. How many seats are in the Hall?
Statement #1: If the number of people in the Hall increased by 20% from Tuesday night to Wednesday night, then the Hall would be 60% full on Wednesday night.
Statement #2: If 20 more people showed up on Tuesday night, that would have increased the number of people in the Hall by 4%.
AStatement 1 ALONE is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 2 alone is NOT sufficient.
BStatement 2 ALONE is sufficient to answer the question, but statement 1 alone is NOT sufficient.
CBOTH statements 1 and 2 TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.
DEach statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question.
EStatement 1 and 2 TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question.
正确答案: B