By sucking sap from the young twigs of the hemlock tree, tree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, causing needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop prematurely.
Atree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, causing needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop
Btree growth is retarded by the woolly adelgid, and this causes the color of needles to change from deep green to grayish green, and their dropping
Cthe woolly adelgid retards tree growth, which causes needles to change color from deep green to grayish green, and dropping
Dthe woolly adelgid retards tree growth, causing needles to change color from deep green to grayish green and to drop
Ethe woolly adelgid retards tree growth, and this causes the color of needles to change from deep green to grayish green, and then their dropping