题库> 逻辑 CR> CR-8116ok


An advertising agency must leave its office building. To save overhead costs, it is considering setting up a "virtual office" instead of moving to an adjacent office building. Employees will do their work on computers, as they do now, but will do so at home, sharing their work with colleagues by communicating text and designs to colleagues' computers through telephone lines, receiving typed comments, and then revising the work until it is satisfactory.

Which of the following, if true, indicates a disadvantage of the virtual office plan?

【选项】Expressions and gestures in face-to-face exchanges are an important aid to employees in gauging the viability of new ideas they have proposed.




  • 所属科目:逻辑CR
  • 题目来源1:PREP07 Test 2-30
难度: 难
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