GMAT 考满分题库

Magoosh - 语法SC - 228
Micheaux contends that the guild system both limited and encouraged experimentation in Renaissance Italy: artisans who would have otherwise had no support were allowed to develop their craft, yet, once under such a system, were discouraged from challenging the existing power dynamics.
  • AItaly: artisans who would have otherwise had no support were allowed to develop their craft, yet, once under such a system, were discouraged from 分析该选项
  • BItaly, providing artisans support they would not have had otherwise in developing their craft, and discouraging them, once under such a system, from 分析该选项
  • CItaly, since artisans who otherwise would not have not had any support in developing their craft were, once under such a system, discouraged in 分析该选项
  • DItaly: artisans not otherwise having support in the development of their craft, but once under such a system being discouraged from 分析该选项
  • EItaly; artisans, having no support otherwise, were allowed to develop their craft, yet, once under such a system they were discouraged from 分析该选项
正确答案: A

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