* in general, "X's rate of Y" is preferred to "the rate of X's Y". i would probably just chalk this one up to idiomatic usage, although (as usual) there are subtle differences that are far beyond the scope of the gmat.
for instance, salesman X's rate of success is better than the rate of salesman X's success.* "Mideast immigrants" is wrong; "immigrants from the Mideast" is better. ("Mideast" can't be used as an adjective of nationality, for the same reason you can't say "Asia people" in place of "people from Asia".)
qiuysun2018-08-17 10:35:44
those of
ranjings2017-07-30 20:48:33
C中的exceeding those of...是modifier, modify 前面的 rates.
wyy2650162023-11-09 23:02:46
mideast 不能修饰 immigrants 应该是immigrants from the mideast
KKKKEVN2020-12-09 15:23:03
rates of ... exceeding those of ...: parallel
瑊玏2019-01-20 21:12:24
rates和immigrant group不可比
斤天是个好天气2018-08-13 10:17:44
第二句:rates exceed group 不匹配;双谓语动词
Tristannn2017-07-11 19:59:29
Immigrants (from the Mideast) exhibit rates( of entrepreneurship) exceeding those of
还是比率 比 比率。分清比较对象。