GMAT 考满分题库

GWD - 语法SC - 162
Giuseppe Alessi, a world-class chef whose life has been a search for the genuine and the delicious in Florentine cooking, is an accomplished scholar not only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws his inspiration from the idyllic frescoes of Etruscan tombs.
  • Anot only unearthing many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts but also a poet and philosopher who draws 分析该选项
  • Bunearthing many of his recipes both from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws 分析该选项
  • Cwho unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, as well as a poet and a philosopher who draws 分析该选项
  • Dwho unearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, but also a poet and a philosopher drawing 分析该选项
  • Eunearths many of his recipes from medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, a poet and philosopher drawing 分析该选项
正确答案: C

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