GMAT 考满分题库

GWD - 语法SC - 335
Unearthed in China, fossils of feathered dinosaurs offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds.
  • Aoffer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds 分析该选项
  • Boffer evidence more dramatic than what has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds 分析该选项
  • Coffer more dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship than any yet discovered between dinosaurs and birds 分析该选项
  • Dhave offered the most dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds that have yet been discovered 分析该选项
  • Ehave offered more dramatic evidence than any that has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds 分析该选项
正确答案: A

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