
序号 题目内容
1 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分In the figure, the 6 small squares are identical, each with sides of length 1. What is the outer perimeter(shown in bold)of the entire figure?
2 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分The table shows a summary of the ticket sales from four performances of a certain play. What is the difference between the maximum and the minimum ticket-sale revenue from a single performance?
3 During a trip that they took together ,Carmen ,Juan ,Maria ,and Rafael drove an average (arithmetic mean )of 80 miles each. Carmen drove 72 miles ,Juan drove 78 miles ,and Maria drove 83 miles .How may miles did Rafael drive ?
4 Each week ,a clothing salesperson receives a commission equal to 15 percent of the first $500 in sales and 20 percent of all additional sales that week . What commission would the salesperson receive on total sales for the week of $1300 ?​
5 A certain restaurant that regularly advertises through the mail has 1,040 cover letters and 3,000 coupons in stock .In its next mailing ,each envelope will contain 1 cover letters and 2 coupons .If all of the cover letters in stock are used ,how many coupons will remain in stock after this mailing?
6 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分 In the figure above ,what are the coordinates of point R?
7 The price of a coat in a certain store is $500. If the price of the coat is to be reduced by $150, by what percent is the price to be reduced?
8 $$(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{3})+(\frac{1}{3}-\frac{1}{4})+(\frac{1}{4}-\frac{1}{5})+(\frac{1}{5}-\frac{1}{6})$$
9 While a family was away on vacation, they paid a neighborhood boy $11 per week to mow their lawn and $4 per day to feed and walk their dog. If the family was away for exactly 3 weeks ,how much did they pay the boy for his services ?
10 Last year $48,000 of a certain store`s profit was shared by its 2 owners and their 10 employees. Each of the 2 owners received 3 times as much as each of their 10 employees. How much did each owner receive from the $48,000 ?
11 On a vacation, Rose exchanged $500.00 for euros at an exchange rate of 0.80 euro per dollar and spent $$\frac{3}{4}$$ of the euros she received. If she exchanged the remaining euros for dollars at an exchange rate of $1.20 per euros, what was the dollar amount she received?
12 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分 Each of the 12 squares shown is labeled x, y, v, or w. What is the ratio of the number of these squares labeled x or y to the number of these squares labeled v or w?
13 In the xy-coordinate plane, if the point(0, 2)lies on the graph of the line 2x+ky =4, what is the value of the constant k?
14 Bouquets are to be made using white tulips and red tulips, and the ratio of the number of white tulips to the number of red tulips is to be the same in each bouquet. If there are 15 white tulips and 85 red tulips available for the bouquets, what is the greatest number of bouquets that can be made using all the tulips available?
15 Over the past 7 weeks, the Smith family had weekly grocery bills of $74, $69 ,$64, $79, $64, $84, and $77. What was the Smiths'average(arithmetic mean) weekly grocery bill over the 7-week period?
16 125% of 5 =
17 During a recent storm ,9 neighborhoods experienced power failures of durations 34,29,27,46,18,25,12,35,and 16 minutes ,respectively .For these 9 neighborhoods ,what was the median duration ,in minutes ,of the power failures ?
18 When traveling at a constant speed of 32 miles per hour, a certain motorboat consumes 24 gallons of fuel per hour. What is the fuel consumption of this boat at this speed measured in miles traveled per gallon of fuel?
19 A technician makes a round-trip to and from a certain service center by the same route. If the technician completes the drive to the center and then completes 10 percent of the drive from the center, what percent of the round-trip has the technician completed?
20 From 2000 to 2003, the number of employees at a certain company increased by a factor of 1/4. From 2003 to 2006, the number of employees at this company decreased by a factor of 1/3. If there were 100 employees at the company in 2006, how many employees were there at the company in 2000?




