
其中,SC部分共有 256 题。


序号 题目内容
1 The Pali Canon, the collection of the scriptures of Theravada Buddhism, easily would fill a large bookcase, unlike the three great Western Religions, which have single book scriptures, and it is ironical because Buddhism is much less text-based than are their Western counterparts.
2 Mozart himself was a piano virtuoso, and the piano parts of his piano concerti, especially the mature work composed in 1784 and after, have astonishingly difficult finger work, that has demanded incomparable technique to produce the required elegance and precision.
3 What the eye sees, if it is at all different from what the brain visually perceives, then this distinction is, for practice purposes, meaningless.
4 Whereas both Europe and China use standard railroad gauge (1435 mm), Russia deliberately chose the wider "Russian gauge" (1520 mm) that gives greater side-to-side stability in railways cars and, more importantly, acts as a national defense, so that it would block a foreign army's supply line and preventing these bordering powers from invading by train.
5 The CEO said that opening new markets in China, especially in Shanghai, and in the developing economies of southeast Asia, such as Vietnam, where the corporation's sales revenue has been the most robust over the past three years, and this course of action gives the most support to their long term vision for an international presence in the sector.
6 An increase in the number of protons, when unaccompanied correspondingly by an increase in the number of neutrons, almost always produce an unstable isotope of an element higher on the Periodic Table.
7 China was united under the Qin and Han before Buddhism would have been introduced, united again four centuries later in the Tang Dynasty, a time now regarded as the "golden age" of Chinese Buddhism.
8 Unlike Walt Whitman's gregariousness, Henry David Thoreau had far more of a penchant for lingering in the stillness of the forest than to soak up the energy of a bustling crowd.
9 If Rome did not fall, the Dark Ages had not been so severe throughout Europe.
10 A highly educated member of a wealthy and aristocratic Boston family, Percival Lowell was interested in astronomy due to his belief in canals on Mars, which modern astronomers dismiss as material for pop science fiction.
11 Next October, the commission's delegation will visit the Prince of Westphalia, contributing the largest amounts to the commission since 1997.
12 Benjamin Franklin had the same relationship to many of the younger members of the Continental Congress, like Jefferson and Hancock, just like the relationship Niels Bohr had with the founders of Quantum Mechanics.
13 In the second quarter of this year, unemployment rates dropped sharply due to spending by consumers in such amounts so that retailers around the country have converted temps to full-time and hired new employees.
14 As contrasted with landlocked Kazakhstan, Ukraine borders the Black Sea, which via the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles connects it to the world ocean.
15 Being America's national bird, the Bald Eagle has little natural predators like the Great Horned Owl, and their population dwindling to almost nothing up to the point of DDT being banned.
16 Opposing government interference to the action of the free market, William Gladstone, a Liberal in the classical sense, since he believed low-taxes and balanced budgets were beneficial to democracy.
17 Walter Mondale had a long difficult struggle leading up to the 1984 Democratic Presidential Primary, though he consolidated his lead for the nomination, but he won only 13 electoral votes in the general election
18 The library at the state college could have much less books and still is above the minimum number required by state educational standards.
19 A prolific writer, Sir Walter Scott's works include the poem The Lady of the Lake and the historical novels Ivanhoe and Waverley.
20 Marcus Junius Brutus (85 – 42 BCE) became friends with Julius Caesar, but he was one of the conspirators who assassinated Caesar, and in subsequent centuries rose and fell according to the tides of various interpretations — as a treacherous villain in Dante and noble hero in Shakespeare.




