
其中,CR部分共有 182 题。


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1 Bottom trawling is a type of deep-sea fishing that involves dragging a large net along the bottom of the ocean, and it results in catching and killing many unintended species, some of which are endangered. Environmental advocates, concerned for these endangered marine species, have recommended that commercial fishers use a new set of nets, each designed specifically for the size and shape and pheromones (chemical attractors) of an individual marine species targeted by the commercial fishers. Environmentalists hope use of these new nets will protect the endangered marine species without interrupting commercial deep-sea fishing. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the claim that the use of the new nets will have the intended effects?
2 Dolphins can swim at high speeds and achieve high acceleration in the water. In 1936, Sir James Gray calculated the force dolphins should be able to exert based on their physiology. He concluded that the propulsive force they were able to exert was not enough to explain how fast they swim and accelerate. In the 2000s, experimenters used special computer-enhanced measurements of the water in which dolphins were swimming. Through mathematical modeling, they were able to measure the force dolphins exert with their tails. As it turns out, dolphins exert considerably more force with their tails than Sir James Gray or anybody else ever expected. Therefore, the force exerted by their tails easily explains how fast they swim and accelerate.In the argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
3 A large number of famous poets in literary history have died under the age of 40 --- Burns, Byron, Keats, Poe, and Shelley, to name a few. By contrast, the large majority of famous painters in art history lived well beyond the age of 40. This difference between famous poets and famous painters is most likely because ____ Which of the following, if true, most logically completes the argument?
4 From 2005 to 2009, over 80% of graduates from Zenith University were able to secure employment within their first six weeks of graduation. Prospective engineering students should therefore choose Zenith University, if they want to be employed within six weeks of graduating. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument?
5 The TJ-700 and the Beta Turbomax are two models of cars of different manufacturers. These two models have almost identical specifications and features, and they sell for almost the same price. Both were introduced on the market five years ago, and each year, the respective manufacturers spend about the same amount in advertising. In the past five year, the total number of TJ-700's sold is about 80% greater than the total number of Beta Turbomax's sold. Clearly, the advertising firm that created TJ-700 ads created much more effective ads than the firm that created Beta Turbomax ads. In evaluating the argument, it would be most useful to know which of the following?
6 Epidemiologist: Malaria passes into the human population when a mosquito carrying the malaria protozoa bites a human who has no immunity. The malaria parasite can remain for up to forty days in the blood of an infected person. The disease cannot be passed from person to person, unless a non-infected person is exposed to the blood of an infected person. Theoretically, malaria could be eradicated in any given area, if all the mosquitoes carrying malaria in that area are exterminated. If such a course of action is carried out at a worldwide level, then the global eradication of malaria is possible. Which of the following, if true, suggests that the epidemiologist’s plan for eliminating malaria is not viable?
7 A soccer league is divided into a junior and a senior division, separated not by age but by a player’s skill level. This year, to determine the division for which an aspirant is best qualified, the league held a week-long trial, after which coach A and coach B selected players. Coach A nominated sixteen of the forty players for the senior league. Amongst Coach B’s nominations for the senior division were four players not nominated by Coach A. Therefore, there will be twenty players in the senior division.Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest basis for the conclusion above to be warranted?
8 A sports arena is considering a new stadium design, one in which each block of seats would be in an enclosed weather-proof room with a view of the playing field and a large screen TV showing the action of play, including the instant replays typical of television broadcasts of sports games. The developer reasons that exposure to elements and lack of access to instant replays significantly limits the typical spectator's enjoyment of the live game.This stadium design would be unlikely to increase the pleasure the spectators take from live games if they enjoyed
9 Economic analysts, noting the sharp increase in ADHD-related disability claims over the past decade, have posited an epidemic of ADHD among younger generations. These analysts, though, ignore advances in psychoanalytical classifications. ADHD is now listed as an official psychiatric disorder in the DSM-5, whereas those with ADHD were simply treated as undisciplined and irresponsible in the past. Therefore, a greater number of serious cases are recommended now for disability, because Human Resources workers are more likely to identify these behavior patterns as ADHD. Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument?
10 President of the Smalltown Chamber of Commerce: In the past decade, the businesses in Smalltown have reported average profits of 15% above inflation. The mayor of Smalltown has explained this by citing decreased crime and a growing population, but he is incorrect. In reality, this increase in profitability is not due to these factors, but rather to the sharing of business acumen and market research that occurs at the monthly Chamber of Commerce meetings.Which of the following, if true, best supports the President of the Smalltown Chamber of Commerce's attribution of the increased profits to her organization's meetings?
11 A luxury apartment condo recently opened up along the Biltmore’s waterfront. Within the first two months, 80% of the standard units in the first ten of the condo’s twelve stories were sold. Nonetheless, only two of the eight penthouses, all of which are located in the top two stories of the building, have sold. In order to sell the remaining six penthouses, the corporation that owns the property, should drop the rate of the penthouses by 20%.Which of the following, if true, would argue against the proposal above?
12 A table made entirely from the trunk of a tree said to have lived a thousand years was recently claimed to be that of a much younger tree. In order to rebut this charge, the craftsman summoned a team of dendrochronologists to prove that the tree lived to be at least to 1,000 years old. Dendrochronology, or the technique of using tree rings to date wood, is based on the fact that for each passing year a tree develops exactly one ring, as seen in a horizontal cross-section of the trunk. Given that dendrochronology is accurate for trees that lived less than 2,000 total years, the dendrochronologists will be able to determine whether the work comes from a tree that lived to be at least 1,000 years old.Which of the following is an assumption that the argument makes?
13 Algorpal Industries produces high quality pneumatic filters. For years, they have primarily served manufacturers of domestic agricultural equipment, and over time, this market has been decreasing. A consultant recommended that, with a minor modification, Algorpal could expand into pneumatic filters for biomedical research technology, a rapidly expanding market. The consultant argued that this single change could reverse a ten-year decline in Algorpal's profits. Which of the following would be the most useful to establish in evaluating the consultant's recommendation?
14 Riders who wear bicycle helmets can greatly reduce the risk of significant injury. Therefore, doctors working in an emergency room can expect that, out of cyclists admitted to hospitals, those wearing bicycle helmets will have injuries that are less severe than will those not wearing a helmet.Which of the following is necessary to evaluate the argument?
15 Last year, a woman was able to demonstrate that she contracted a bad case of food poisoning from a meal at one Chinese restaurant in Bairenville, and she successfully sued the restaurant for a large sum of money. The story was popular in the town, and the size of the financial settlement made the national news. This year, we have seen a number of "copycat" suits filed against each one of the eleven Chinese restaurants in Bairenville, forcing these restaurants to hire lawyers and take steps to defend themselves in court.Which of following conclusions can most properly be drawn from the information above?
16 Hoping to increase his company's market share, the CEO of QuikFashion has decided to hold a month-long sale in which all of the clothing in QuikFashion's stores will be discounted by at least 50 percent. Although this discount will mean that the company is selling clothing at cost, the CEO hopes that this broadly advertised sale will attract repeat buyers to QuikFashion, who will return to buy clothing at full price after the month of sales.In assessing the CEO's ability to achieve his goals with this plan, it would be most useful to know which of the following?
17 The Fieldpark nuclear power plant, cited three years ago by a governmentally led safety commission for exceeding safe levels of radiation, has recently allowed the media access to its facilities. A spokesperson for the plant has claimed that the media has full access to the plant and is not prohibited from taking pictures on the premises. The spokesperson promises that, as a result, the citizens of Fieldpark can rest assured that, until next year’s governmental inspection, the facility will not exceed the federal regulations on the amount of sieverts, or radiation, to which a person can be exposed. Which of the following is an assumption upon which the spokesperson’s conclusion depends?
18 The lobbyist accused of offering a large cash bribe to the senator defended himself: "When I left the house that day, I was carrying no money with me, so I could not possibly have had anything to offer to the senator. Moreover, immediately before I met with the senator, I spent all my cash on lunch with a colleague at an upscale restaurant, which also explains why I was not in a position to offer the senator a bribe."This argument is most vulnerable to what criticism?
19 Soft Drinks Manufacturer: Despite attractive offers, our company has rejected any plans to expand our market into the Czech Republic at this time. We simply have no data on how well received our products would be in the Czech Republic. Industry Analyst: Your position is inconsistent. Last year, you expanded into Bolivia, even after taste tests had definitely found that approximately 40% of the Bolivian population did not care for any of your products. Therefore, concerns about how well received your product will be cannot be motivating this position.The industry analyst's argument is flawed because it fails to consider that:
20 In order to combat Carville’s rampant homeless problem, Mayor Bloomfield recently proposed a ban on sleeping outdoors in the city’s many parks. He claims that such a measure will force the homeless to either leave Carville or to find means other than sleeping in public parks. Which of the following, if true, suggests that Mayor Bloomfield’s plan will be successful?




