《(2016)GMAT官方指南》 OG 16

《(2016)GMAT官方指南(综合)》是中国大陆唯一的授权版本。相较于上一版,2016年新版官方指南增加了25%的新内容,书中包含900道全真试题和自测练习,涵盖GMAT考试所有题型,并配有全面的答案解析。 其中,OG16的RC部分共有 139 题,全部经由老师核对确认并标上题号及难度(根据官方标准划分)。


序号 题目内容
102 The passage is primarily concerned with
103 [line:20:enable]Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about a study of the category of patients referred to in highlight text?
104 [line:20:enable]It can be inferred from the passage that a study limited to patients like those mentioned in line 20-22 text would have which of the following advantages over the kind of study proposed by Frazier and Mosteller?
105 [line:32:enable]The author mentions patients` ages (highlight text) primarily in order to
106 According to the passage, which of the following describes a result of the way in which researchers generally conduct clinical trials?
107 The primary purpose of the passage is to
108 It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following to be true of the environmentalists mentioned in highlight text?
109 It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following to be true of the amphibian extinctions that have recently been reported?
110 According to the passage, each of the following is true of endangered amphibian species EXCEPT:
111 Which of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?
112 [line:35:enable]Which of the following best describes the function of the sentence in highlight text?
113 The passage mentions which of the following as a factor that affects the role of P. ochraceus as a keystone species within different habitats?
114 Which of the following hypothetical experiments most clearly exemplifies the method of identifying species' roles that the author considers problematic?
115 Which of the following, if true, would most clearly support the argument about keystone status advanced in the last sentence of the passage?
116 The passage suggests which of the following about the identification of a species as a keystone species?
117 The passage is primarily concerned with
118 The authors` study indicates that, in comparison with the outermost regions of a typical spiral galaxy, the region just outside the nucleus can be characterized as having
119 The authors' suggestion that "as much as 90 percent of the mass of the universe is not radiating at any wavelength with enough intensity to be detected on the Earth" (highlight text) would be most weakened if which of the following were discovered to be true?
120 It can be inferred from information presented in the passage that if the density of the universe were equivalent to significantly less than three hydrogen atoms per cubic meter, which of the following would be true as a consequence?
121 The authors propose all of the following as possibly contributing to the "missing matter" in spiral galaxies EXCEPT




