《(2017)GMAT官方指南》 OG 17

《(2017)GMAT官方指南(综合)》是GMAC(GMAT考试命题机构)中国大陆单家授权版本,是GMAT考试必备的专业辅导书。书中提供900余道全真试题,新增61道语文、61道数学以及8道在线综合推理试题,涵盖GMAT考试所有题型,并配有全面的答案解析。 其中,OG17的RC部分共有 139 题,题号从405到543,全部经由老师核对确认并标上题号及难度(根据官方标准划分)。


序号 题目内容
466 The primary purpose of the passage is to
467 According to the passage, which of the following was true of the treaty establishing the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation?
468 [line:10:enable]The passage suggests that, if the criteria discussed in highlight text were the only criteria for establishing a reservation`s water rights, which of the following would be true?
469 Which of the following most accurately summarizes the relationship between Arizona v. California in highlight text, and the criteria citing the Winters doctrine in the last sentence of first paragraph?
470 [line:37:enable]The "pragmatic approach" mentioned in hightlight text of the passage is best defined as one that
471 The author cites the fact that the Rio Grande pueblos were never formally withdrawn from public lands primarily in order to do which of the following?
472 The primary purpose of the passage is to
473 The passage suggests that the legal rights of citizens other than American Indians to the use of water flowing into the Rio Grande pueblos are
474 In the passage, the author is primarily interested in
475 The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the Milankovitch theory?
476 It can be inferred from the passage that the isotope record taken from ocean sediments would be less useful to researchers if which of the following were true?
477 According to the passage, which of the following is true of the ratios of oxygen isotopes in ocean sediments?
478 It can be inferred from the passage that precipitation formed from evaporated ocean water has
479 It can be inferred from the passage that calcium carbonate shells
480 The primary purpose of the passage is to
481 The author of the passage mentions the supervision of schools primarily in order to
482 With which of the following characterizations of Lebsock`s contribution to the controversy concerning women`s status in the nineteenth-century United States would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?
483 According to the passage, Lebsock`s work differs from Buel and Buel`s work in that Lebsock`s work
484 The passage suggests that Lebsock believes that compared to nineteenth-century American women, eighteenth-century American women were
485 The passage suggests that Buel and Buel`s biography of Mary Fish provides evidence for which of the following views of women`s history?




