PREP 2012

GMAT官方免费提供了GMAT模考软件GMATPrep,其界面与真实考试完全相同,但是我们只能做两套模拟题。有前辈发现GMATPrep中事实上内置了一个很大的题库,Prep破解即前辈从GMATPrep中还原出来的完整题库,全部属于真题,且有标准答案,是分项突破时很好的练习材料。 PREP2012是最新破解的版本,包含RC题目 75 题。


序号 题目内容
61 The passage suggests that the debate among physicists mentioned in the first sentence has arisen in part because
62 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Hopis' geographic situation between 1680 and 1880?
63 The author of the passage mentions the control of ceremonies by particular Hopi clans most in order to
64 The passage suggests that sociocultural change in Hopi society between 1680 and 1880 was
65 The passage is primarily concerned with
66 The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the explanation outlined in highlight text?
67 According to information in the passage, the term "de-skilling" refers to the
68 The passage suggests which of the following about N/C automation in the machine-tool industry?
69 Which of the following best characterizes Forces of Production as it is described in the passage?
70 The author of the passage commends Noble's book for which of the following?
71 Which of the following, if true, would most weaken Krech's objections to Martin's theory?
72 The passage suggests that Krech would be most likely to agree with a theory of the Pleistocene species extinctions that
73 In the last sentence of the passage, the author refers to "recent archaeological discoveries" most probably in order to
74 The passage mentions the extinction of species other than large animals (see highlighted text) most probably in order to
75 Which of the following is true about Martin's theory, as that theory is described in the passage?




