
序号 题目内容
93 A service provider charges c dollars for the first 50 hours of service used per month and 40 cents for each 30 minutes in excess of 50 hours used during the month.If x is an integer greater than 50,which of the following expressions gives this service provider's charge,in dollars,for a month in which x hours of service were used?
94 A salesperson who had been driving at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour slowed down to a speed of 47 kilometers per hour. Approximately how many miles per hour was the speed reduced? (1kilometer≈0.625mile)
96 The table above shows the numbers of hours of television programs that Jane recorded last week and the numbers of hours she spent viewing these recorded programs.No recorded program was viewed more than once.If h is the number of hours of recorded programs she had not yet viewed by the end of Friday,which of the following intervals represents all of the possible values of h?
97 A dance troupe has a total of 50 dancers split into 2 groups. The costumes worn by Group A cost $80 each, and those worn by Group B cost $90 each. If the total cost of all the costumes is $4,270, what is the total cost of the costumes worn by Group B?
105 According to a survey of 200 people, 60 enjoy skiing and 80 enjoy skating. If the number of people who enjoy neither skiing nor skating is 2 times the number of people who enjoy both skiing and skating, how many people surveyed enjoy neither skiing nor skating?
106 m⊕p = n n⊕r =m n⊕q = q p⊕q = p q⊕p = r If the relations shown hold for the operation ⊕ and the numbers m, n, p, q, and r, then [(m ⊕ p) ⊕q] ⊕ p =
107 To rent a tractor, it costs a total of x dollars for the first 24 hours, plus y dollars per hour for each hour in excess of 24 hours. Which of the following represents the cost, in dollars, to rent a tractor for 36 hours?
108 If the mass of 1 cubic centimeter of a certain substance is 7.3 grams, what is the mass, in kilograms, of 1 cubic meter of this substance? (1 cubic meter = 1,000,000 cubic centimeters; 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams)
109 If z≠o and z + $$\frac{1-2z^{2}}{z}$$=$$\frac{w}{z}$$,then ω=
110 For all real numbers a, b, c, d, e,and f,the operation θ is defined by the equation (a, b, c) θ (d, e,f) = ad + be + cf. What is the value of (1,-2, 3)θ(1,-$$\frac{1}{2}$$, $$\frac{1}{3}$$)?
115 In the xy plane, the distance between the origin and the point(4,5)is the same as the distance between which of the following two points?
117 The profit P, in dollars, for any given month at a certain company is defined by P = I - C, where I represents total income, in dollars, and C represents total costs, in dollars, for the month. For each of the first 4 months of the year, C = I + 32,000; and for each of the next 3 months, I = C + 36,000. If I = C + 10,000 for each of the 5 remaining months of the year, what was the company's total profit for the 12-month year?
121 Last year a state senate consisting of only Republican and Democrat members had 20 more Republican members than Democrat members. This year the senate has the same number of members as last year, but it has 2 fewer Republican members than last year. If this year the number of Republican members is $$\frac{2}{3}$$ the number of senate members, how many members does the senate have this year?
123 Sam has $800 in his account. He will deposit $1 in his account one week from now, $2 two weeks from now, and each week thereafter he will deposit an amount that is $1 greater than the amount that he deposited one week before. If there are no other transactions, how much money will Sam have in his account 50 weeks from now?
124 A certain state's milk production was 980 million pounds in 2007 and 2.7 billion pounds in 2014. Approximately how many more million gallons of milk did the state produce in 2014 than in 2007? (1 billion = 10^9 and 1 gallon = 8.6 pounds.)
130 If 65 percent of a certain firm's employees are full-time and if there are 5,100 more full-time employees than part-time employees, how many employees does the firm have?
134 In a certain high school, 80 percent of the seniors are taking calculus, and 60 percent of the seniors who are taking calculus are also taking physics. If 10 percent of the seniors are taking neither calculus nor physics, what percent of the seniors are taking physics?
135 If the units digit of $$\frac{5610.37}{10^{k}}$$ is 6, what is the value of k?
137 Results of a Poll In a poll, 200 subscribers to Financial Magazine X indicated which of five specific companies they own stock in. The results are shown in the table above. If 15 of the 200 own stock in both IBM and AT&T how many of those polled own stock in neither company?
141 Tanks A and B are each in the shape of a right circular cylinder. The interior of Tank A has a height of 10 meters and a circumference of 8 meters, and the interior of Tank B has a height of 8 meters and a circumference of 10 meters. The capacity of Tank A is what percent of the capacity of Tank B?




