PREP 07 Test 2

其中07的第二套共包含SC题目 151 题。


序号 题目内容
141 Lenders and building managers in the southwestern section of the city report that because of the rental market in the area being renewed, as well as the willingness of the banks to lend money being increased, apartment buildings are being rehabilitated at a pace unseen for a decade.
142 The ability of scientists to provide models of the atmosphere's complex responses to changing conditions, like seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions, have become ever more accurate.
143 Although the vast constellation of small islands that dot the South Pacific has a population of only a few million people, it is home to about a sixth of the world's 6,000 or so languages.
144 Meteor showers and individual streaks of light that flash across the sky every night are generated when tiny flecks of celestial detritus, often no larger than grains of sand or of pebbles, burn up speeding through the atmosphere.
145 The Kwakiutl recognized one social unit larger than the tribe--the confederacy, which was a cluster of loosely knit, informally related neighboring tribes who interacted with themselves more often than between other tribes.
146 The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970's.
147 Australian embryologists have found evidence that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolving as a kind of snorkel.
148 The United States will be affected by whether Taiwan develops a closer relationship with mainland China or preserves the status quo, since the island nation is the United States' seventh-largest trading partner.
149 The global-warming effect of ocean white caps are one of the many aspects of the ocean environment that are not yet incorporated in any detail into the computer models used for predicting how rising greenhouse gas concentrations could affect climate.
150 Hydrocarbons, with which fruit flies perfume themselves in species-specific blends, are known to be important in courtship, and apparently this assists flies that taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates to distinguish their own species from that of others.
151 A new study finds that the more hostility people show in their behavior and attitudes, then calcium deposits are more likely to be in the arteries of their hearts.




