
序号 题目内容
668 According to some critics, watching television not only undermines one`s ability to think critically but also impairs one's overall ability to perceive.
669 In her presentation, the head of the Better Business Bureau emphasized that companies should think of the cost of conventions and other similar gatherings as not an expense, but as an investment in networking that will pay dividends.
670 Recent interdisciplinary studies advance the argument that emotions, including those deemed personal or private is a social phenomenon, though one inseparable from bodily response.
671 In a speech before the Senate Banking Committee, the chairman of the Federal Reserve painted an optimistic picture of the economy, suggesting to investors the central bank in the near future is not lowering interest rates.
672 As with ants, the elaborate social structure of termites includes a few individuals reproducing and the rest serve the colony by tending Juveniles, gathering food, building the nest, or battling intruders.
673 While Noble Sissle may be best known for his collaboration with Eubie Blake, as both a vaudeville performer and as a lyricist for songs and Broadway musicals, also enjoying an independent career as a singer with such groups as Hahn`s Jubilee Singers.
674 Air traffic routes over the North Pole are currently used by only two or three planes a day, but it was found by a joint Canadian-Russian study to be both feasible as well as desirable if those routes are opened to thousands more commercial planes a year.
675 From an experiment using special extrasensory perception cards, each bearing one of a set of symbols, parapsychologist Joseph Banks Rhine claimed statistical proof for subjects who could use thought transference to identify a card in the dealer`s hand.
676 A long-term study of some 1,000 physicians indicates that the more coffee these doctors drank, the more they had a likelihood of coronary disease.
677 Hurricanes at first begin traveling from east to west, because that direction is the way the prevailing winds in the tropics blow, but they then veer off toward higher latitudes, in many cases changing direction toward the east before dissipating over the colder, more northerly waters or over land.
678 Travelers from Earth to Mars would have to endure low levels of gravity for long periods of time, avoiding large doses of radiation, plus contending with the chemically reactive Martian soil, and perhaps even ward off contamination by Martian life-forms.
679 Unlike the virginal, whose single set of strings runs parallel to the front edge of the instrument, the harpsichord`s several sets of strings are placed at right angles to its front edge.
680 Although Alice Walker published a number of essays, poetry collections, and stories during the 1970s, her third novel, The Color Purple, which was published in 1982, brought her the widest acclaim in that it won both the National Book Award as well as the Pulitzer Prize.
681 Heating oil and natural gas futures rose sharply yesterday, as long-term forecasts for much colder temperatures in key heating regions raised fears of insufficient supplies capable of meeting the demand this winter.
682 Because it regarded the environmentalists as members of an out-of-state organization, the city council voted that they are denied permission for participating in the parade.
683 In 1913, the largely self-taught Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan mailed 120 of his theorems to three different British mathematicians; only one, G.H.Hardy, recognized the brilliance of these theorems, but thanks to Hardy`s recognition, Ramanujan was eventually elected to the Royal Society of London.
684 Cost cutting and restructuring has allowed the manufacturing company to lower its projected losses for the second quarter, and they are forecasting a profit before the end of the year.
685 The Life and Casualty Company hopes that by increasing its environmental fund reserves to $1.2 billion, that it has set aside enough to pay for environmental claims and no longer has to use its profits and capital to pay those claims bit by bit, year by year.
686 Like ancient Egyptian architectural materials that were recycled in the construction of ancient Greek Alexandria, so ancient Greek materials from the construction of that city were reused in subsequent centuries by Roman, Muslim, and modern builders.
687 Especially in the early years, new entrepreneurs may need to find resourceful ways, like renting temporary office space or using answering services, that make their company seem large and more firmly established than they may actually be.




