
序号 题目内容
189 Using digital enhancements of skull fragments from five prehistoric hominids dating to more than 350,000 years ago, anthropologists argue that these human ancestors probably had hearing similar to that of people today.
190 The interior minister explained that one of the village planning proposal`s best characteristics was their not detracting from the project`s overall benefit by being a burden on the development budget.
191 Like ants, termites have an elaborate social structure in which a few individuals reproduce and the rest are serving the colony by tending juveniles, gathering food, building the nest, or they battle intruders.
192 Global warming is said to be responsible for extreme weather changes, which, like the heavy rains that caused more than $2 billion in damages and led to flooding throughout the state of California,and the heat wave in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, which was also the cause of a great amount of damage and destruction.
193 The voluminous personal papers of Thomas Alva Edison reveal that his inventions typically sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous works.
194 Hundreds of species of fish generate and discharge electric currents, in bursts or as steady electric fields around their bodies, using their power either to find and attack prey, to defend themselves, or also for communicating and navigating.
195 Native to South America, when peanuts were introduced to Africa by Portuguese explorers early in the sixteenth century they were quickly adopted into Africa`s agriculture, probably because of being so similar to the Bambarra groundnut, a popular indigenous plant.
196 It stood twelve feet tall, weighed nine thousand pounds, and wielded seven-inch claws, and Megatherium americanum, a giant ground sloth,may have been the largest hunting mammal ever to walk the Earth.
197 Delighted by the reported earnings for the first quarter of the fiscal year, it was decided by the company manager to give her staff a raise.
198 Studying skeletons unearthed near Rome, DNA evidence was recovered by scientists, who were able to deduce from this that an epidemic of malaria struck in the empire`s waning days.
199 Coffee prices rose sharply Monday, posting their biggest one-day gain in almost three years, after a weekend cold snap in Brazil raised concern that there could be damage to the world's largest crop when at a time with supplies already tight.
200 Growing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in favor of clients; auditors may, for instance, allow a questionable loan to remain on the books in order to maintain a bank's profits on paper.
201 A March 2000 Census Bureau survey showed that Mexico accounted for more than a quarter of all foreign-born residents of the United States, the largest share for any country to contribute since 1890, when about 30 percent of the country's foreign-born population was from Germany.
202 Recently declassified information from military satellites in orbit thousands of miles above the Earth show the planet continually bombarded by large meteoroids that explode with the power of atomic bomb blasts.
203 The themes that Rita Dove explores in her poetry is universal, encompassing much of the human condition while occasionally she deals with racial issues.
204 Child development specialists believe that, in confining babies much of the time to strollers, high chairs, playpens, and walkers, muscle development can be inhibited.
205 Travelers to Mars would have to endure low levels of gravity for long periods of time, avoid large doses of radiation, contend with the chemically reactive Martian soil, and perhaps even having to ward off contamination by Martian life-forms.
206 The personal income tax did not become permanent in the United States until the First World War; before that time the federal government was dependent on tariffs to be their main source of revenue.
207 In 1776 Adam Smith wrote that it is young people who have "the contempt of risk and the presumptuous hope of success" needed to found new businesses.
208 The gyrfalcon, an Arctic bird of prey, has survived a close brush with extinction; its numbers are now five times greater than when the use of DDT was sharply restricted in the early 1970's.




