



61. (27809-!-item-!-188;#058&003354)

The bones of Majungatholus atopus, a meat-eating dinosaur that is a distant relative of

Tyrannosaurus rex and closely resembles South American predatory dinosaurs, have been

discovered in Madagascar. 

(A) The bones of Majungatholus atopus, a meat-eating dinosaur that is a distant relative of 

Tyrannosaurus rex and closely resembles South American predatory dinosaurs, have been

discovered in Madagascar.

(B) The bones of a meat-eating dinosaur, Majungatholus atopus, a distant relative of

Tyrannosaurus rex and with a close resemblance to South American predatory dinosaurs, has

been discovered in Madagascar.

(C) In Madagascar, the bones of a meat-eating dinosaur, Majungatholus atopus, distantly related to

Tyrannosaurus rex and closely resembled South American predatory dinosaurs, have been


(D) A distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex, bearing a close resemblance to South American

predatory dinosaurs is Majungatholus atopus, a meat-eating dinosaur, the bones of which have

been discovered in Madagascar.

(E) A distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex and closely resembling South American predatory

dinosaurs, the bones of a meat-eating dinosaur, Majungatholus atopus, have been discovered in


考点: 逻辑表达(Logical Predication)   主谓一致(Agreement) 平行对称(Parallelism)

1)  修饰成分应该尽可能靠近修饰对象

2)  系表结构可以跟动词结构平行,即  It is a distant relative of Tyrannosaurus rex and closely

resembles South American predatory dinosaurs.是符合平行结构的

3)  不能随意改变原句的重心,一般来说选项A的重心跟正确选项的重心一致

(A) 正确, 主谓一致; a meat-eating dinosaur that…作为Majungatholus atopus的同位语,解释说明

Majungatholus atopus; dinosaur that is a distant relative…and closely resembles…结构符合平行要

(B) 主谓不一致,主语the bones,谓语应该用have been; and前后不平行,前者是名词,a distant relative

后者是介词短语with a close…

(C) 介词短语In Madagascar离它的修饰对象have been discovered太远,  

(D) 改变句子重心,原句的重心是bones have been discovered,而该选项的重心是a distant relative is

Majungatholus atopus; bearing a close resemblance to结构表达笨拙,并且原句中该成分同a distant

relative并列,而这里变成分词结构,修饰a distant relative,成为了附属成分

 (E) and前后不平行,前者是名词a distant relative,后者是动名词closely resembling; a distant relative


句子结构: The bones of…,同位语, have been discovered…

62. (27855-!-item-!-188;#058&003426)

Data gathered by weather satellites has been analyzed by scientists, reporting that the Earth's

northern latitudes have become about ten percent greener since 1980, due to more vigorous plant

growth associated with warmer temperatures and higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

(A) Data gathered by weather satellites has been analyzed by scientists, reporting that the Earth's

northern latitudes have

(B) Data gathered by weather satellites has been analyzed by scientists, and they report the Earth's 

northern latitudes as having

(C) After analyzing data gathered by weather satellites, scientists report that the Earth's northern

latitudes have

(D) After analysis of data, gathered by weather satellites, scientists report the Earth's northern

latitudes as having

(E) After data gathered by weather satellites was analyzed by scientists, who report that the Earth's

northern latitudes have

考点:逻辑表达(Logical Predication)    简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)   用词倾向性

1)  一般来说在report, predicate, predict, shown等动词后面之跟简单的名词短语,   若其后面跟的是动

名词或名词所有格+动名词短语(sb’s doing),或名词短语之后用一复杂的现在分词来修饰时,都会造成

句子结构的复杂,笨拙. 经常用that引导宾语从句来对该类句子进行改写

2)  能够使用动词的情况下,尽量不要使用动词的名词形式

3)  分词短语在句首起状语作用,逻辑主语等于句子主语

(A) 逻辑意思错误, reporting that作为伴随状语出现应该跟主句有紧密的逻辑关系,表示主句的伴随原

因,条件等等,但是从逻辑意思上看,reporting that跟主句无紧密逻辑关系,应该是并列关系,因此不能使


(B) report the Earth’s northern latitudes as having表达笨拙,且仅仅表达出report了latitude这一个事

物,而没有表达出report的整个内容,应该用report that句式进行改写;they指代对象不清楚。

(C) 正确, scientists作为analyzing的逻辑主语,意思表达正确,  使用report that句式能够充分的表达出


(D) analysis不如动词analyze表达有效,不能够表达出analyze的施动者是谁; report +复杂名词结构表

达笨拙,应该用report + that句式改写.

(E) 句子不完整,整个句子结构为  After data… was analyzed…    缺乏主谓结构

句子结构: After analyzing…, scientists reports that…

63. (27901-!-item-!-188;#058&003440)

Unlike emergency calls that travel through regular telephone lines, where they thus automatically

inform the operator of the location and phone number of the caller, cellular calls require emergency operators to determine the location of the caller.

(A) lines, where they thus automatically inform the operator of the location and phone number of the

caller, cellular calls require emergency operators to determine the location of the caller

(B) lines and thus automatically inform the operator of the location and phone number of the caller,

cellular calls require emergency operators to determine the location of the caller

(C) lines, thus automatically informing the operator of the location and phone number of the caller,

the location of the caller on a cellular phone has to be determined by the operator

(D) lines, and thus automatically inform the operator of the location and phone number of the caller, 

emergency operators have to determine the location of the cellular phone caller

(E) lines, thus automatically informing the operator of the location and phone number of the caller,

emergency operators receiving a cellular call have to determine the location of the caller


考点: 比较(Comparison)

逻辑表达(Logical Predication)


1) thus一般和and连用,来连接表示因果关系的结构

2)  用逗号将句子隔开,使得逗号前后两个句子变成独立的句子,每个句子都要有自己的主谓宾

3) unlike比较结构,要求比较对象对等。

(A) 关系代词where修饰lines,逻辑错误.

(B) 正确, and前后平行,travel… and thus automatically inform共同修饰calls

(C) 比较双方不对等,emergency calls和the location of the caller没有可比性; thus automatically

informing表达错误,这里不应该用伴随结构,而应该用and thus来连接两个存在因果关系的句子

(D) and前面有逗号,说明and后面应该是一个完整的句子,应该补出主语they,但这样会使得句子变得复

杂,直接去掉逗号构成动词的并列更好;比较双方不对等,emergency calls和emergency operators没有


(E) 比较双方不对等;句子不完整,整个句子的结构为:Unlike emergency calls…, emergency

operators receiving…整个句子没有谓语动词; thus automatically informing表达错误,这里不应该用伴

随结构,而应该用and thus来连接两个存在因果关系的句子

句子结构 : Unlike emergency calls that travel…and thus automatically inform…, cellular calls

require…to determine…


当句子中出现 like, unlike 等比较结构的时候,读选项时首先读 like, unlike 比较双方,中间的修饰等干扰

成分可以直接跳过,发现 like, unlike 比较双方不对应,直接排除该选项.   在出现 like, unlike 等比较结构

的题目中,比较双方的对应可以说是一定会出现的考点,因此可以先应用这一点,直接排除    2-3 个选项,


64. (27947-!-item-!-188;#058&003452)

Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production of new brain cells, include the

brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries

that learn new songs.

(A) the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in

canaries that

(B) mice whose brains grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries whose

neurons increase when they

(C) mice's brains that grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries' neurons

that increase when they

(D) the brain growth in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or the increase in canaries'

neurons when they

(E) brain growth in mice that are placed in a stimulating environment or an increase in neurons in

canaries that


考点:简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)    逻辑表达(Logical Predication)

1)  当动词有名词形式时,就不要使用the +动词ing形式来表达其名词形式

2)  介词+动词分词在句首,逻辑主语等于主句的主语;在句尾,逻辑主语可能等于主句的主语,也可能等


(A) the brain…无法与the production of…平行;growing使用错误,应该用grow的名词形式growth来替

换,increasing应该用increase替换;介词结构when placed无论是修饰主句的主语还是所修饰动词

(include)的逻辑主语,该结构都是修饰的documented examples,而从逻辑意思上看,when placed应该

修饰mice,因此when placed修饰对象错误.

(B) 改变句子意思,从未划线部分看,examples包括的对象应该能够表现neurogenesis,同位语对该词

进行了解释  the production of new brain cells,而选项B的例子包括的是mice和canaries,这两个动物

不是the production of new brain cells的例子,而应该用brain growth in mice和an increase in neurons

in canaries作为the production of new brain cells的例子;指代错误,选项中的they分别就近指代brains


(C) 代词they分别就近指代brains和neurons,导致逻辑意思错误

(D) when placed修饰documented examples,导致逻辑意思错误,代词they就近指代neurons,导致逻辑


(E) 正确, brain growth in mice和an increase in neurons in canaries很好的作为了the production of

new brain cells的例子;限定性定语从句that…分别修饰mice和canaries,修饰对象正确.

句子结构: Recently documented examples…, …, include the brain growth… or an increase in …

65. (28041-!-item-!-188;#058&003495)

Developed by Pennsylvania's Palatine Germans about 1750, they made Conestoga wagons with

high wheels capable of crossing rutted roads, muddy flats, and the nonroads of the prairie and they

had a floor curved upward on either end so as to prevent cargo from shifting on steep grades.

(A) they made Conestoga wagons with high wheels capable of crossing rutted roads, muddy flats,

and the nonroads of the prairie and they had a floor curved upward on either end so as to prevent

(B) they made Conestoga wagons, which had high wheels capable of crossing rutted roads, muddy

flats, and the nonroads of the prairie, and floors curved upward on their ends so that they prevented 

(C) Conestoga wagons, with high wheels capable of crossing rutted roads, muddy flats, and the

nonroads of the prairie, and had a floor that was curved upward at both ends to prevent

(D) Conestoga wagons had high wheels capable of crossing rutted roads, muddy flats, and the

nonroads of the prairie, and a floor that was curved upward at both ends to prevent

(E) Conestoga wagons had high wheels capable of crossing rutted roads, muddy flats, and the

nonroads of the prairie and floors curving upward at their ends so that it prevented

考点:逻辑表达(Logical Predication)

1)  指代歧意


2)  同一个句子中,连词连接的结构一定是平行结构

(A) 第一个they没有可以指代的对象,第二个they可能跟第一个they指代相同,或者指代wagons,导致


(B) they没有指代对象;they作为developed的逻辑主语,应该是wagons作为developed的逻辑主语;

and floors curved upward on their ends so that they prevented表达笨拙,their可能指代floors或者


(C) with high wheels…and had a floor结构不平行,前者是介词结构,后者是动词结构

(D) 正确, Conestoga wagons作为developed的逻辑主语,意思正确; wagons had high wheels… and

 a floor结构平行;that限定性定语从句修饰floor没有歧意;用to prevent表示目的,简洁,明了.

(E) it没有指代,their指代不清,即可能指代floors也可能指代wagons;不定式表目的,而so that…通常


句子结构: Developed by Pennsylvania’s Palatine…, Conestoga wagons had high wheels capable

of corssing A,B,and C, and a floor that…






66. (28087-!-item-!-188;#058&003498)

Africa's black rhino population in the mid-1970's numbered about 20,000, ten times the estimated

population of 2,000 in 1997.

(A) the estimated population

(B) that of their estimated population

(C) more than the population's estimated amount

(D) more black rhinos than their population estimate

(E) more than that of their population's estimated amount

考点:习惯用语(Idiom)  简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)

1)  倍数的表达

    1)twice as; twice as; twice + the + n.; twice + what 从句

    2)用动词表达数 double, triple, quadruple, quintuple,  可用主动语态,也可以用被动语态,但不能和

as 搭配

  3)...times(或数字) + as +    形容词或副词 + as...或…times the + n

    4) sb. be + 百分数  + more likely to do sth. than (to) do sth

(A) 正确, 表达符合习惯用法,意思表达清晰,简洁

(B) that只能指代rhino population,从而跟后面的their estimated population意思重复

(C) the population’s estimated amount表达笨拙,复杂

(D) 表达复杂,笨拙;their没有指代对象。

(E) 表达复杂,笨拙,that指代rhino population和their population’s estimated amount意思重复;their


句子结构: …population…numbered about 20,000, ten times the…

67. (28133-!-item-!-188;#058&003500)

Scientists say that each of the photographs taken of the Ares Vallis plain by the Mars Pathfinder

indicate the overwhelming extent to flooding on the planet billions of years ago and the degree that

rocks were scattered by its force.

(A) indicate the overwhelming extent to flooding on the planet billions of years ago and the degree


(B) indicate that the extent of the floods on the planet billions of years ago was overwhelming and

the degree to which

(C) indicate the overwhelming extent of the floods on the planet billions of years ago and the degree 

to which

(D) indicates the overwhelming extent of the flooding on the planet billions of years ago and the

degree to which

(E) indicates the overwhelming extent to flooding on the planet billions of years ago and the degree


考点:主谓一致(Agreement)  习惯用语(Idiom) 平行对称(Parallelism)

1) each of  复数名词 + verb,谓语动词用单数

2)  习惯用语:the extent of sth   或者to …extent,  表示…的范围

3)  习惯用语:the degree to sth   或者to…degree,   表示…的程度

4)  同一句子中,连词连接的对象一定要平行

(A) 主谓不一致, indicate的主语是each,应该用单数形式;extend to sth错,应该改为extend of sth; the

degree that错,应该改为the degree to which

(B) 主谓不一致; and前后对象不平行,前者是句子,后者是名词结构

(C) 主谓不一致

(D) 正确, indicates和主语each主谓一致;extend of sth和degree to sth符合习惯用法

(E) extend to sth和degree that不符合习惯用法

句子结构: Scientists say that each of… indicates the overwhelming extent… and the degree…

68. (28179-!-item-!-188;#058&003508)

For the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it should be soaked in liquid after being

pounded with a mortar and pestle.

(A) For the best extraction of the flavor of saffron threads, it should be soaked in liquid after being


(B) To best extract their flavor, saffron threads should be soaked in liquid after pounding

(C) The best way to extract the flavor from saffron threads is soaking them in liquid after being


(D) The best way to extract the flavor from saffron threads is to soak them in liquid after pounding 


(E) The flavor of saffron threads can best be extracted by soaking it in liquid after pounding it

考点: 逻辑表达(Logical Predication)、简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)平行对称(Parellelism)

1)  介词+动词分词放在在句尾,逻辑主语可能等于主句的主语,也可能等于所修饰的动词的逻辑主语

2) being错误使用:   以下几种表达中being属于多余

a) being + n. b) being + adj. c) as being + n./adj./v-ing

3) sth is sth是一种平行结构,其中sth和sth一定要能够对应,平行

(A) it无指代; best extraction意思表达模糊;being pounded中being多余

(B) best extract意思表达模糊, after pounding无论是修饰主句的主语还是所修饰动词的逻辑主语都是

修饰saffron threads,  因此pound应该使用被动语态pounded,因为saffron threads不能主动用mortar


(C) the best way to extract is soaking…不平行,应该改为the best way to extract is to soak…;介词短

语after being pounded修饰soaking的逻辑主语或者主句的主语the best way, after being pounded修

饰the best way不符合逻辑,修饰soaking的逻辑主语(可以想象是某人soaking them…)也不符合逻辑

 (D) 正确, the best way to extract… is to soak结构平行;them指代saffron threads,指代正确;after

pounding them修饰soak的逻辑主语(可以想象为某人),符合逻辑

(E) The flavor of saffron threads can best be extracted by表达笨拙; it没有指代

句子结构: The best way to… is to…


sth is sth的平行,对应在实战中不容易看得出来,平时训练的时候看到be动词,也要警惕,是否会考到平

行,对应.举OG10th 84题为例

84. One legacy of Madison Avenue's recent campaign to appeal to people fifty years old and over 

is the realization that as a person ages. their concerns change as well.

(A) the realization that as a person ages, their

(B) the realization that as people age, their 

(C) to realize that when a person ages, his or her

(D) to realize that when people age, their  

(E) realizing that as people age, their

其中 C,D,E 选项均不满足 sth is sth 的平行对应. one legacy 是名词,因此和它对应的也应该是名词,而

C,D,E 分别是 to do 结构和动名词结构,不能和名词结构平行,因此排除 C,D,E 选项,然后根据指代一致,

排除 A,正确答案为 B

69. (28225-!-item-!-188;#058&003542)

The proliferation of so-called cybersquatters, people who register the Internet domain names of

high-profile companies in hopes of reselling the rights to those names for a profit, led to passing the 

Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, allowing companies to seek up to $100,000

in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling them later.

(A) passing the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, allowing companies to seek

up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of selling

(B) the passage of the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act in 1999, which allows

companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the

sole intent that they will sell

(C) the passage in 1999 of the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which allows

companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the

sole intent of selling

(D) the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which was passed in 1999, and it allows

companies to seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the

sole intent to sell

(E) the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, passed in 1999 and allowing companies to

seek up to $100,000 in damages against those who register domain names with the sole intent of


考点: 逻辑表达(Logical Predication)

1)  动名词结构含有正在进行的意思,多表示动作的过程

2)  修饰语应该尽可能靠近修饰对象,否则很容易引起修饰不清

3) of + doing修饰名词而to do结构修饰动词,表示目的

(A) 从逻辑意思上看The proliferation…导致的结果是反域名强占保护法案的通过,而不是通过的过程,

因此passing应该改为passage,强调结果.in 1999既可能修饰Act也可能修饰passing,导致修饰不清;


(B) in 1999位置不对,导致修饰不清;with the sole intent that they will sell表达复杂,笨拙.

 (C) 正确, lead to the passage强调了结果;which非限定定语从句修饰Act,意思表达清楚;时间状语in

1999紧靠修饰对象the passage,修饰无歧意;用of selling修饰名词intent表达正确

(D) 从逻辑意思上看,The proliferation…导致的结果是法案的通过,而不是导致了法案,因此lead to the

Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, which was passed in 1999意思表达不完整;with the

sole intent to sell错误,应该改为with the sole intent of selling.

(E) 错误同D,逻辑意思表达不完整

句子结构: The proliferation… led to the passage…of…Act, which allows companies to…


要注意不要将with the sole intent to sell误认为是to do结构表示目的. to do结构修饰的是动词,如果修

饰名词的话应该用A of B结构.with the sole intent没有动词出现,所以应该用of selling来修饰名词


70. (28271-!-item-!-188;#058&003560)

It is unclear whether chimpanzees are unique among nonhuman species in their ability to learn

behaviors from one another, or if, when other animals are studied in as much depth, similar patterns 

would be found.

(A) if, when other animals are studied in as much depth, similar patterns would be found 

(B) if other animals were studied with as much depth they would exhibit similar patterns

(C) would similar patterns be found in other animals if they were studied in as much depth

(D) whether similar patterns would be exhibited in other animals that were studied with as much


(E) whether other animals would exhibit similar patterns if they were studied in as much depth

考点: 平行对称(Parallelism)   有效用词(Diction)   简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)

1)  在GMAT考试用只能用whether表示“是否“,不能用if

2) when不能够引导条件从句

3)  习惯用语:in depth

4)  能用主动语态的就不要使用被动语态,主动语态优于被动语态

(A) if应该改成whether;使用when从句来表示条件从句,错误

(B) if应该改为whether; with as much depth不符合习惯用法

(C) It is unclear whether… or would…结构不平行

(D) similar patterns would be exhibited in other animals表达笨拙,应该改为主动语态;with as much


(E) 正确, It is unclear whether… or whether…结构平行;用语简洁,符合习惯用法;使用if从句表达条件


句子结构: It is unclear whether…, or whether…




易把when和if等条件从句弄混.以OG11th    第8题为例:

8. Rising inventories, when unaccompanied correspondingly by increases in sales, can lead to

production cutbacks that would hamper economic growth.

(A) when unaccompanied correspondingly by increases in sales, can lead

(B) when not accompanied corresponding by increases in sales, possibly leads

(C) when they were unaccompanied by corresponding sales increases can lead

(D) if not accompanied by correspondingly increased sales, possibly leads  

(E) if not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, can lead


71. (28317-!-item-!-188;#058&003604)

Paper production accounts for approximately 40 percent of the world's industrial use of wood, and

the market for paper is growing faster than it is for all major wood products.

(A) the market for paper is growing faster than it is for all

(B) the market for paper is growing faster than the market for all other

(C) the market for it is growing faster than it is for all other

(D) its market is growing faster than the market for all

(E) its market is growing faster than it is for all other

考点:比较(Comparison)   指代一致(Agreement)

1)  当   A   属于  B   的一种时,必须用    other   把它自身排除在从属范围之外才能表达两者间的对比关系

例:apple and other fruits 

2)  避免指代不清,修改的方法有三个:


    2)用 such + n.或者指示代词 this/these/those + n.代替代词


(A) it只能指代the market for paper,代入句子不符合逻辑

(B) 正确, the market for paper和the market for all other major wood products表达清晰,没有歧意;使

用other将market for paper排除在外,表达出market for paper和other market的对比关系

(C) 第一个it指代模糊,既可能指代paper production又可能指代use of wood,如果根据优先原则指代

use of wood则不符合逻辑;第二个it错误同A选项

(D) its的指代错误同C的第一个it; all后面应该加other将它自身排除在外才能表达两者间的对比关系

(E) its错误同D选项; it错误同A选项

句子结构: Paper production accounts…, and the market… is growing faster than the market…

72. (28363-!-item-!-188;#058&003615)

Broccoli thrives in moderate to cool climates and propagated by seeds, either sown directly in the

field or in plant beds designed for producing transplants.

(A) propagated by seeds, either sown directly in the field or in plant beds designed for producing

(B) propagated by seeds, sown either directly in the field or sown in plant beds designed so as to


(C) is propagated by seeds either sown directly in the field or in plant beds designed so that they


(D) is propagated by seeds sown either directly in the field or in plant beds designed to produce

(E) is propagated by seeds, sown either directly in the field or sown in plant beds designed for


考点:句子结构(Grammatical Construction)   平行对称(Parallelism)   简洁有效(Rhetorical



1)  连词前面的结构包括谓语动词,则连词后面平列结构也应该含有谓语动词

2) either…or…结构一定要平行

3)  用to do结构表达目的更加有效

(A) Broccoli thrives…and propagated by seeds…结构中and前后连接不对称,后者谓语结构不完成,

被动语态应为be done;either sown… or in…结构不平行,应该改为either sown… or sown in…或者

sown either in…or in…

(B) propagated by谓语结构不完整,缺少被动语态中的be; sown either directly in…or sown in…结构

不平行; designed so as to produce结构笨拙复杂,应该改为designed to produce

(C) either sown directly in the field or in plant…结构不平行; designed so that they produce结构复杂,


(D) 正确, is propagated by seeds结构跟Broccoli thrives in结构构成并列; sown either directly in the

field or in…结构平行; designed to produce结构表示目的,简洁,有效

(E) sown either directly in the field or sown in结构不平行; for producing表示目的不如to produce表示


句子结构: Broccoli thrives…and is propagated by seeds, either directly in… or in… to produce…




例: Once the economic and social usefulness of the motor was demonstrated and its superiority to 

the horse proved, ... (proved 前省略了 was)

73. (28457-!-item-!-188;#058&003634)

Evolutionary psychology holds that the human mind is not a "blank slate," but instead that it

comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed as a way of solving specific

problems human ancestors faced millions of years ago.

(A) the human mind is not a "blank slate," but instead that it comprises specialized mental

mechanisms that were developed as a way of solving

(B) the human mind is not a "blank slate" but instead comprises specialized mental mechanisms

that were developed to solve

(C) the human mind, instead of a "blank slate," it comprises specialized mental mechanisms that

have been developed to solve

(D) rather than it being a "blank slate," the human mind comprises specialized mental mechanisms

that have been developed as a way of solving

(E) rather than the human mind's being a "blank slate," that it comprises specialized mental

mechanisms that were developed as a way of solving

考点:简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)    平行对称(Parallelism)

1)  连词前面的结构包括谓语动词,则连词后面平列结构也应该含有谓语动词

1)not …but…连接平行结构。


(A) the human mind is not a "blank slate," but instead that结构不平行; developed as a way of

solving表达复杂,直接改为developed to solve表达目的

(B) 正确, the human mind is not a "blank slate" but instead comprises…结构平行;   用developed to


(C) 代词it指代the human mind,用在此处多余,存在两个主语,句子结构错误; instead of a "blank

slate”意思表达不清; developed as a way of solving表达啰嗦。

(D) rather than it being a "blank slate,"结构表达复杂,且it多余应该删掉; developed as a way of


(E) 整个句子结构表达笨拙,复杂,两个that从句之间缺少连词; developed as a way of solving表达复

句子结构: …holds that the human mind is not a….but instead comprises…

74. (28503-!-item-!-188;#058&003635)

Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould has argued that many biological traits are not the products of 

natural selection, favored due to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are 

simply random by-products of other evolutionary developments.

(A) due to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are 

(B) due to the reproduction or survival they enhance, but they are

(C) because they enhance reproduction or survival, but

(D) because they enhance reproduction or survival, but are

(E) because of enhancing reproduction or survival, but are

考点: 逻辑表达(Logical Predication)   平行对称(Parallelism)

1)  介词短语:on account of, because of, despite (in despite of), as a result of, due to之后只跟简单的

名词短语。若其后面跟的是动名词或名词所有格+动名词短语(sb’s doing),或名词短语之后用一复杂的

现在分词来修饰时或后面跟动词的抽象名词形式,应改为与其相同意义的连词because, although等引


2) but的用法: but做介词,表示除了… 例:No one has read it but the students.  或者用在词组not…

but…举行中,作连词表示不是,而是的意思,  例: The plan caused not prosperity but ruin.

(A) due to +动词的抽象名词形式,表达不够有效;not…but…连接的结构不平行。

(B) due to +动词的抽象名词形式,表达不够有效; they多余,   破坏了  sth/sb be not… but (be)…的结构

(C) but可能作为介词,产生because they enhance reproduction or survival, but simply random


(D) 正确,but are表明了but在这里只能作为连词,构成be not… but (be)…的平行结构

(E) because of +动名词形式,表达不够有效

句子结构: …has argued that …traits are not the products…,favred because…, but are…

favored…结构作为插入语修饰  products of natural selection 

75. (28597-!-item-!-188;#058&003702)

Beneath the soil of the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon, a fungus has for centuries been 

slowly weaving its way through the roots of trees, to become the largest living single organism

known to humans.

(A) has for centuries been slowly weaving its way through the roots of trees, to become

(B) has slowly woven its way through the roots of trees for centuries, and so becoming

(C) that has been slowly weaving its way through the roots of trees for centuries has become

(D) that has for centuries slowly woven its way through the roots of trees and has become

(E) that, having slowly woven its way through the roots of trees for centuries, to become


考点: 句子结构(Grammatical Construction)

1)  修饰语要尽可能贴近其修饰对象

简洁有效(Rhetorical Construction)


(A) for centuries修饰语位置不合理,置于has been之间,句子变得不通顺; to become使得句子的逻辑


(B) 时态不对,for centuries表示持续的时间,应该用完成时的进行时态; and so becoming没有与之平


(C) 正确, that限定性定语从句修饰fungus; for centuries紧靠修饰对象weaving its way through the

roots of trees符合习惯用法;   用称述语气表达客观事实,符合逻辑意思

(D) for centuries位置不好;  句子结构为Beneath… a fungus that…整个句子没有谓语成分

(E) 整个句子没有谓语成分; to become不符合句子逻辑意思

句子结构: Beneath…, a fungus that… has become…

76. (28643-!-item-!-188;#058&003706)

By recording the noise of crinkled wrappers as they were slowly stretched out in an otherwise silent

chamber, and then digitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists

found the noise not continuous but consisted of individual bursts or pops just thousandths of a

second long.

(A) digitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists found the noise


(B) digitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists found that the

noise was not

(C) digitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists found the noise 

not to be

(D) the sound emissions were digitized and analyzed on computers, a team of scientists found that

the noise was not

(E) the sound emissions were digitized and analyzed on computers, a team of scientists found the

noise not to be

考点: 逻辑表达(Logical Predication)   平行对称(Parallelism)

1)  正式书面语中,动词型宾语从句中的that一般不能省略

2) not…but…连接的对象要平行

3)  一般来说在report, predicate, predict, shown等动词后面之跟简单的名词短语,   若其后面跟的是动

名词或名词所有格+动名词短语(sb’s doing),或名词短语之后用一复杂的现在分词来修饰时,都会造成

句子结构的复杂,笨拙. 经常用that引导宾语从句来对该类句子进行改写

(A) not continuous but consisted结构不平行,continuous是形容词,consisted是动词;  应该用found


(B) 正确, By recording…, and then digitizing and analyzing结构平行;   使用found that从句更能够清


(C) not to be continuous but consisted结构不平行;    应该用found that从句来表现found的完整内容

(D) By recording… and then the sound emissions were digitized…结构不平行;the sound emissions

作为by recording…的逻辑主语,错误。

(E) not…but..连接对象不平行;the sound emmissions作为by recording…的逻辑主语,错误。

句子结构: By recording…, and then digitizing and analyzing…, a team… found that the noise was

 not…but consisted of…

77. (28689-!-item-!-188;#058&003708)

Scientists have found signs that moving water changed the chemical makeup of the surface of Mars

in recent eras, therefore concluding that its crust is harboring up to three times as much water than

was previously thought.

(A) eras, therefore concluding that its crust is harboring up to three times as much water than was

(B) eras, therefore concluding that the planet's crust harbors up to three times as much water or

more as was

(C) eras and have therefore concluded that the planet's crust harbors up to three times as much

water as 

(D) eras and they have concluded, therefore, that its crust harbors up to three times as much water, 

or more, than

(E) eras and concluded, therefore, that the planet's crust is harboring up to three times more water

as was

考点: 有效用词(Diction)…  平行对称(Parallelism)…逻辑表达(Logical Predication)…习惯用


1)  习惯用法:as…as; more…than

2) GMAT考试中经常出现将相等比较as...as和more...than...形式比较合并在一起写的错误或者故意

复杂化的表示方法;正确表达应该是:as least as great as或者as great as or greater than 

3)  并列句主语相同,应该省略重复的主语

4)  在没有明显时间证据的情况下,并列成分尽量使用同一个时态

(A) 从逻辑上看conclude这个动作应该和found这个动作构成因果关系的,平等的两个动作,而不应该

构成主要和次要成分,因此therefore concluding应该改为and therefore have concluded结构跟主句中

的have found构成平等的成分; its指代不清,上一个分句中存在多个单数名词moving water, surface;

as …than结构不符合习惯用法

(B) 错误同A; as much water or more as表达不正确

(C) 正确,Scientists have found…and have therefore concluded结构平行; planet’s crust消除了its

的指代模糊; three times as much as符合习惯用法

(D) its指代不清; as much water, or more, than表达不正确; they重复,应该去掉

(E) 没有时间证据,concluded应该改为现在完成时,跟前一个并列成分使用同一个时态; three times

more water as表达不正确

句子结构: Scientists have found…and have therefore concluded that…  

78. (28735-!-item-!-188;#058&003712)

The cottontail rabbit population in Orange County, California, has increased unchecked in recent

years as a result of the removal of the native fox population and the clearing of surrounding 


(A) years as a result of the removal of 

(B) years as a result of removing

(C) years, resulting from the removing of

(D) years, which is a result of removing

(E) years, which is a result of the removal of


考点: 有效用词(Diction)

1)  介词短语:on account of, because of, despite (in despite of), as a result of之后只跟简单的名词短

语。若其后面跟的是动名词或名词所有格+动名词短语(sb’s doing),或名词短语之后用一复杂的现在分

词来修饰时,应改为与其相同意义的连词because, although等引导的从句形式。

2)  动词有自己的名词形式时,就不要用the +动词ing形式来表达其名词形式

3) which不能指代整个句子

(A) 正确, as a result后面接名词的并列结构,表达正确,简洁

(B) as a result of后面加动名词不好,且根据未划线部分and the clearing判断出as a result of后面应该


(C) removal是remove的名词形式,因此不用the removing表达remove的名词形式

(D) which不能指代句子,在这里没有指代; removing应该改为the removal

(E) which不能指代句子。

句子结构: The…population has increased… as a result of the removal of… and the clearing of…

79. (28781-!-item-!-188;#058&003734)    注意跟55题比较

Shipwrecks are more likely to be found undisturbed at great depths than in shallow coastal waters,

which exposes archaeological remains to turbulence and makes them accessible to anyone in

scuba gear, whether they be archaeologist, treasure hunter, or sport diver.

(A) than in shallow coastal waters, which exposes archaeological remains to turbulence and makes 

them accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether they be

(B) than in shallow coastal waters, where archaeological remains are exposed to turbulence and

are accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether

(C) as opposed to shallow waters along the coast, where archaeological remains are exposed to

turbulence and accessible to anyone in scuba gear, including

(D) instead of in shallow waters along the coast, which exposes archaeological remains to

turbulence and making them accessible to anyone in scuba gear, including an

(E) instead of shallow coastal waters, because it exposes archaeological remains to turbulence and 

makes them accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether

考点: 比较(Comparison)  逻辑表达(Logical Predication)   习惯用语(Idiom)

1)  习惯用语 more…than…

2)  习惯用语  whether A, B, or C

(A) which指代waters导致逻辑意思错误,因为并不是水域把古迹暴露在外,而是古迹暴露在这个水域,

应该用where指代in shallow coastal waters; exposes和makes应该用复数形式which指代的是waters;

whether they be表达复杂,they be应该去掉.

(B) 正确, more…than符合习惯用法; where使用恰当; 用whether A, B, or C修饰anyone,修饰得当

(C) more…as opposed to不符合习惯用法; including使用不恰当,include表示为群体中包含某些项,而


(D) more…instead of不符合习惯用法;使用which导致逻辑意思错误;including使用不恰当.

(E) more…instead of不符合习惯用法;it没有指代

句子结构: Shipwrecks are more likely… at great depths than in shallow coastal water, where

archaeologcial remains are exposed to…and are accessible to…, whether A,B,or C.

80. (28875-!-item-!-188;#058&003751) 

Changes in sea level are not only a result of changes in water temperature, affecting water density,

but of melting glaciers as well.

(A) are not only a result of changes in water temperature, affecting water density, but of melting

glaciers as well

(B) not only result from changes in water temperature, which affect water density, but also when

glaciers melt

(C) are a result not only of changes in water temperature, which affect water density, but also the

melting glaciers

(D) result not only from changes in water temperature, which affect water density, but also from the

melting of glaciers

(E) result from not only changes in water temperature, affecting water density, but as well as when

glaciers melt

考点: 平行对称(Parallelism)   习惯用语(Idiom)

1) not only…but also习惯用法

2) not only…but also结构一定要平行

3)  伴随状语只能修饰主句的动词性谓语,不能修饰主句系动词

(A) are not only a result… but of melting结构不符合not only… but also习惯用法,且不平行;选项A与E


(B) not only result… but also when结构不平行

(C) a result not only of… but also the melting结构不平行;  

(D) 正确, result not only from… but also from结构平行

(E) result from not only changes…but as well as when不符合not only…but also习惯用法,且不平行

句子结构: Changes.. result not only from changes…, which…, but also from the melting of…


读题时,发现选项中出现了not only…but also,直接看该结构是否平行.排除不平行选项后再看余下选





