题库> 逻辑 CR> CR-a6au6h


One way to judge the performance of a company is to compare it with other companies. This technique, commonly called "benchmarking," permits the manager of a company to discover better industrial practices and can provide a justification for the adoption of good practices.

Any of the following, if true, is a valid reason for benchmarking the performance of a company against companies with which it is not in competition rather than against competitors EXCEPT:

【选项】Since companies that compete with each other are likely to have comparable levels of efficiency, only benchmarking against noncompetitors is likely to reveal practices that would aid in beating competitors.




  • 所属科目:逻辑CR
  • 题目来源1:OG12-100
  • 题目来源2:OG15-102
  • 题目来源3:OG16-123
  • 题目来源4:OG17-665
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