题库> 逻辑 CR> CR-ffgdrk


Last year a global disturbance of weather patterns disrupted harvests in many of the world's important agricultural areas. Worldwide production of soybeans, an important source of protein for people and livestock alike, was not adversely affected, however. Indeed, last year's soybean crop was actually slightly larger than average. Nevertheless, the weather phenomenon is probably responsible for a recent increase in the world price of soybeans.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest justification for the attribution of the increase in soybean prices to the weather phenomenon?

【选项】Last year's harvest of anchovies, which provide an important protein source for livestock, was disrupted by the effects of the weather phenomenon.




  • 所属科目:逻辑CR
  • 题目来源1:OG16-94
  • 题目来源2:OG17-639
  • 题目来源3:OG18-641
  • 题目来源4:OG19-641
  • 题目来源5:OG20-732
  • 题目来源6:OG2022-789
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