题库> 逻辑 CR> CR-5e475k


The average hourly wage of television assemblers in Vernland has long been significantly lower than that in neighboring Borodia. Since Borodia dropped all tariffs on Vernlandian televisions three years ago, the number of televisions sold annually in Borodia has not changed. However, recent statistics show a drop in the number of television assemblers in Borodia. Therefore, updated trade statistics will probably indicate that the number of televisions Borodia imports annually from Vernland has increased.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

【选项】The number of television assemblers in Vernland has increased by at least as much as the number of television assemblers in Borodia has decreased




  • 所属科目:逻辑CR
  • 题目来源1:OG12-112
  • 题目来源2:OG15-113
  • 题目来源3:OG16-116
  • 题目来源4:GWD-24
  • 题目来源5:OG17-657
  • 题目来源6:OG18-657
  • 题目来源7:OG19-657
  • 题目来源8:OG20-748
  • 题目来源9:OG2022-807
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