从2002年左右开始出现的一些真题,因为是逐渐流出被整理成GWD套题。 GWD/TN有两个好处:第一,能够训练pace和模拟真实考试的做题感觉。第二,考点也相对较全,在最后阶段进行模考有利于查漏补缺。 其中,RC共有 335 题。


序号 题目内容
262 The passage suggests that relatively bright carotenoid-based coloration is a signal of which of the following characteristics in males of certain animal species?
263 According to the "conventional view" referred to in highlight text of the passage, brighter carotenoid-based coloration in certain species suggests that an individual
264 It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about government policy?
265 The passage suggests that the relationship between the view of the author with respect to maternity leave policy prior to passage of the FMLA and the view of the politicians, business leaders, and scholars mentioned in highlight text can best be characterized by which of the following statements?
266 The primary purpose of the passage is to
267 Which of the following best describes the purpose of the sentence in highlight text?
269 It can be inferred form the passage that which of the following is true of the Cuban tree-dwelling anole lizard and the Jamaican tree-dwelling anole lizard?
269 The passage suggests that if a grass-dwelling anole lizard species evolved on one island and then traveled over water to colonize a second island, the grass-dwelling anoles on the two islands would eventually
270 The passage is primarily concerned with
271 According to the passage, the historians mentioned in the first highlighted portion of text and the scholars mentioned in the second highlighted portion disagree about the
272 Which of the following best describes the purpose of the first sentence in the second paragraph in the passage?
273 Which of the following best summarizes the opinion of the author of the passage regarding the two points of view presented in the first paragraph (highlight) ?
274 The "unions' dilemma" mentioned in the highlighted text can best be described as the question of whether or not to
275 Which of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?
276 Information in the passage suggests which of the following concerning the Earth's mantle 2.5 to 4 billion years ago?
277 Which of the following most accurately states the main point of the passage?
278 In the first paragraph, the author refers to the experiences of Brazilian women most probably in order to
279 Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the passage?
280 The author mentions which of the following as a disadvantage of urban employment for Latin American women in the lowest socioeconomic group?
281 The author of the passage would most likely agree that the opinions of the Latin American women discussed in the third paragraph (highlight) are influenced by the




