
序号 题目内容
231 What is the number of pages of a certain journal article? (1)The size of each page is $$5\frac{1}{2}$$ inches by 8 inches. (2)The average(arit metic mean)number of words per page is 250.
232 if a certain vase contains only roses and tulips, how many tulips are there in the vase? (1 )The number of roses in the vase is 4 times the number of tulips in the vase . (2)There is a total of 20 flowers in the vase.
233 The cost of 10 pounds of apples and 2 pounds of grapes was $12. What was the cost per pound of apples? (1)The cost per pound of grapes was $2 (2)The cost of 2 pounds of apples was less than the cost of 1 pound of grapes.
234 What was the median annual salary for the employees at Company X last year? (1)Last year there were 29 employees at Company X (2)Last year 12 employees at Company X had an annual salary of $24,000
235 How many basic units of currency X are equivalent to 250 basic units of currency Y? (1)100 basic units of currency X are equivalent to 625 basic units of currency Y. (2)2,000 basic units of currency X are equivalent to 12, 500 basic units of currency Y
236 A company bought 3 printers and 1 scanner. What was the price of the scanner? (1)The total price of the printers and the scanner was $1, 300. (2)The price of each printer was 4 times the price of the scanner.
237 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分In the figure above, point D is on $$\overline {AC}$$. What is the degree measure of $$\angle BAC$$?(1)The measure of $$\angle BDC$$ is 60°.(2)The degree measure of $$\angle BAC$$ is less than the degree measure of $$\angle BDC$$.
238 Each of the 256 solid-colored marbles in a box is either blue, green, or purple What is the ratio of the number of blue marbles to the number of purple marbles in the box? (1)The number of green marbles in the box is 4 times the number of blue marbles in the box. (2)There are 192 green marbles in the box.
239 A certain mixture of paint requires blue, yellow, and red paints in ratios of 2:3:1, respectively, and no other ingredients. If there are ample quantities of the blue and red paints available, is there enough of the yellow paint available to make the desired amount of the mixture? (1) Exactly 20 quarts of the mixture are needed. (2) Exactly 10 quarts of the yellow paint are available.
240 The research funds of a certain company were divided among three departments, X, Y, and Z. Which one of the three departments received the greatest proportion of the research funds? (1)The research funds received by departments X and Y were in the ratio 3 to 5, respectively. (2)The research funds received by departments X and Z were in the ratio 2 to 1, respectively.
241 In a certain class, some students donated cans of food to a local food bank .What was the average(arithmetic mean)number of cans donated per student in the class? (1) The students donated a total of 56 cans of food. (2) The total number of cans donated was 40 greater than the total number of students in the class.
242 Each of the n employees at a certain company has a different annual salary.What is the median of the annual salaries of the n employees? (1)When the annual salaries of the n employees are listed in increasing order, the median is the 15th salary. (2)The sum of the annual salaries of the n employees is $913, 500.
243 In a recent town election, what was the ratio of the number of votes in favor of a certain proposal to the number of votes against the proposal? (1) There were 60 more votes in favor of the proposal than against the proposal. (2)There were 240 votes in favor of the proposal.
244 How many men are in a certain company`s vanpool program? (1)The ratio of men to women in the program is 3 to 2. (2)The men and women in the program fill 6 vans.
245 Each of the marbles in a jar is either red or white or blue. If one marble is to be selected at random from the jar, what is the probability that the marble will be blue?(1) There are a total of 24 marbles in the jar, 8 of which are red.(2) The probability that the marble selected will be white is $$\frac{1}{2}$$.
246 GMAT、gmat题库、gmat模考、gmat考满分 In the figure above, what is the value of z? (1) x=y=1 (2)w=2
247 What is the value of 10 percent of y?(1) 5 percent of y is 60.(2) y is 80 percent of 1,500.
248  Last semester, Professor K taught two classes, A and B. Each student in class A handed in 7 assignments, and each student in class B handed in 5 assignments. How many students were in class A (1)The students in both classes combined handed in a total of 85 assignments. (2)There were 10 students in class B
249 Was the amount of Johns heating bill for February greater than it was for January? (1)The ratio of the amount of John's heating bill for February to that for January was $${\frac{26}{25}}$$ . (2)The sum of the amounts of John's heating bills for January and February a was$183.60.
250 If sequence S has 120 terms, what is the 105th term of S?(1) The first term of S is −8.(2) Each term of S after the first term is 10 more than the preceding term.




