
其中,SC部分共有 256 题。


序号 题目内容
221 Internal combustion engines show an inherent tradeoff between power and fuel efficiency: if a car can race from zero to 60 mph faster, the less fuel efficient its engine is over the time.
222 Following the merger of Fastco and Celeriton, the CFO of Fastco has been charged with reporting the earnings of the employees of both companies, and however he may choose to do so, he will have to abide by relevant state tax laws.
223 Those who fault the intrusion of amateurs into areas requiring serious scholarship often cite Heinrich Schliemann, who was a wealthy German businessman with an obsession for antiquity and who unwittingly destroyed the very artifacts he had been hoping to unearth, when he deployed fifteen sticks of dynamite in the substratum containing relics of ancient Troy and who yet inspired legions of similarly inexperienced men to enter the field.
224 Benford’s Law, stating that certain numbers appear more often in measurements than do others, is so counterintuitive that when used as evidence in trials where financial fraud is concerned, the evidence is often considered to be a desperate ploy on the part of the prosecution, even if the numbers strongly point to malfeasance.
225 Peter O'Toole was nominated for his first Oscar in 1962, and his eighth in 2006, but he never actually won the award.
226 The many extant fossils yet to be attributed to a species suggest that our classification of extinct species is either deficient, with many unclassified species meriting distinct branches on the taxonomic tree, or that our method of identification is lacking, with many fossils indeed attributable to known extinct species.
227 Maxwell's theory of Electromagnetism in 1873 was the first "unified field theory," with Electroweak in 1961 only being the other, because no further theory has united the electroweak field with either the Strong (Hadronic) force or Gravity.
228 Micheaux contends that the guild system both limited and encouraged experimentation in Renaissance Italy: artisans who would have otherwise had no support were allowed to develop their craft, yet, once under such a system, were discouraged from challenging the existing power dynamics.
229 Alfred Wegener, although credited with one of the greatest paradigm shifts in geology, which was that large plates in the earth’s crust are responsible for the movement of the continents, had been largely reviled in his day, other geologists going so far as to bar him from attending geology conferences.
230 Few stories have captured the popular imagination than that of one-time Olympian and POW survivor, Louis Zamperini, who battled unimaginable odds.
231 The impact of a large meteor nearly 65 million years ago can better account for the series of cataclysmic events attending the extinction of the dinosaurs than can the concomitant changes in the Earth’s climate alone, based on the fact that the meteorite can best explain the sudden appearance of high concentrations of the element iridium, which is found in meteors and, in and of itself, in no way related to changes in the terrestrial climate.
232 The CEO of Laminar Flow gave his R & D team a new $300 million dollar research facility, with cutting-edge technology, that they can do research potentially revolutionary innovations in.
233 The CFO's detailed analysis of the twenty-three years of Harmonic Technologies clearly established that, for every dollar invested in research and development, including experimental research that is not initially linked with any product, it caused HT to gain nearly six dollars in profits from sales over the next seven years.
234 Based on the analysis of musicologists who focused on his early manuscripts, Beethoven often created sketches of musical motifs that he would frequently make significant revisions weeks or even months later and that these preliminary ideas were included in much larger works that often underwent numerous revisions themselves.
235 Modern planetary science has a detailed understanding of the conditions necessary for a planet to develop life, but scientists are still unable to determine whether a given specific planet meeting all these conditions is to develop life.
236 Comparing tensile strength, spider's silk is much better at holding its own weight than high-grade alloy steel, considerably lighter because the organic composition is less dense than the metallic elements.
237 Rome's great intellectual achievements laid in organizing the Empire, but Greece's had laid in mathematical and philosophical breakthroughs.
238 In unveiling vast swaths of areas of which they previously had faintly any notion of their existence, much like modern day astronomers, ancient cartographers expanding our awareness of the world we inhabit and providing a basis so that we might reach even further into the unknown.
239 Knocked from the asteroid belt, an asteroid that comes close to Earth may be captured by Earth's gravitational field, ultimately spiraling inward and becoming fully consumed during its fiery descent through the atmosphere while acting like a "falling star,” or becoming redirected at high speeds along a new trajectory.
240 In the "dead-ball" era of 1900-1919, Major League Baseball hitters in both leagues hit an average total of 370 home runs each season, more than 60% percent less than those in the 1920s.




