
  名词修饰常常由关系代词引导:Which That Who Whose Whom Where When

  对于这些关系代词的使用有一定限制,例如:who 和whom 要修饰人,而which 则一定修饰物,而在GAMT的语法中,that 也不能修饰人,所以修饰人的词有Who, Whose or Whom ,而That 和 Which 则无法修饰人:

  ◆ Wrong: The scientists THAT made the discovery were rewarded.

  ◆ Right: The scientists WHO made the discovery were rewarded.

  而Which 或whom 可以跟在介词后面:

  the canal through which water flows; the senator for whom we worked.


  Who 在从句中作主语,而whom 则作动词或介词的宾语:

  ◆ Wrong: The security guard WHO we met was nice.

  ◆ Right: The security guard WHOM we met was nice.


  That 和 whom 从句中作宾语时可以省略:

  ◆ Right: The movie THAT we watched last Friday was scary.

  ◆ Right: The movie we watched last Friday was scary.

  where可以用来修改地方名词,area, site, country or Nevada ,但是无法修饰“隐喻”地方的词如:condition, situation, case, circumstances, or arrangement,而要修饰这些词则应该用in which :


  ◆ Wrong: We had an arrangement WHERE he cooked and I cleaned.

  ◆ Right: We had an arrangement IN WHICH he cooked and I cleaned.

  When 可以指代事件或时间,如:period, age, 1987, or decade ,这里in which 也可以替换when.

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