PREP 07 Test 1

其中第一套共包含SC题目 169 题。


序号 题目内容
41 The budget for education reflects the administration's demand that the money is controlled by local school districts, but it can only be spent on teachers, not on books, computers, or other materials or activities.
42 As a result of a supernova explosion, every human being on Earth was bombarded on February 23, 1987, by about 100 billion neutrinos; fortunately, neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that interact very weakly with matter.
43 A one-million-year-old skull bearing traits associated both with Homo erectus and, in addition, Homo sapiens has been found in the Afar region of Eritrea, and indicates that modern humans developed much earlier than previously thought.
44 Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have succeeded for the first time in mining heat from the Earth's interior and producing energy on a commercial scale, enough for efficient generation of electricity and heating factories and homes.
45 The application of a new method for analyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel allows scientists to examine molars of prehuman ancestors and determining that their diets were more varied than had been supposed.
46 The continental United States receives an average of 30 inches of precipitation a year; transpiration from soil and from plants returns approximately 21 of the 30 inches to the atmosphere, while the balance of 9 inches contributes to the flow of streams and rivers.
47 1998 saw several new ventures promoting online distance learning both at the college and graduate level, but also faculty members in large numbers began questioning whether the computer screen was an adequate replacement for the classroom.
48 Whereas scientists, because of random fluctuations in the weather, cannot determine the transition from one season to the next by monitoring temperatures on a daily basis, so they cannot determine the onset of global warming by monitoring average annual temperatures.
49 The automobile company announced that the average price of next year's models would decrease four-tenths of one percent, amounting to about $72, as compared with comparably equipped cars and trucks this year.
50 Many teenagers undergo stress, but results of a recent study indicate that the patterns of stress that girls experience are more likely to result in depression than are those that boys experience.
51 Gasoline marketing is undergoing major changes as stations often not only add convenience stores but also combine with major fast-food chains to build complexes where customers can shop and eat as well as buy gasoline.
52 In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.
53 Most vaccines are derived from weakened or killed strains of the same virus that they prevent, unlike the derivation of smallpox vaccine from a different virus altogether.
54 Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken in large quantities in order to treat particular maladies.
55 Shipwrecks are more likely to be found undisturbed at great depths than in shallow coastal waters, which exposes archaeological remains to turbulence and makes them accessible to anyone in scuba gear, whether they be archaeologist, treasure hunter, or sport diver.
56 First discovered more than 30 years ago, Lina's sunbird, a four-and-a-half-inch animal found in the Philippines and that resembles a hummingbird, has shimmering metallic colors on its head; a brilliant orange patch, bordered with red tufts, in the center of its breast; and a red eye.
57 The Anasazi settlements at Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular scale, with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each, were connected by a complex regional system of roads.
58 Both weakened by concern about the government's agreement with the International Monetary Fund and by growing fears of a rise in inflation, the country's currency continued its slide to a record low against the dollar, which forced the central bank to intervene for the fourth time in a week.
59 A new genetically engineered papaya was produced not by seed companies who have been motivated by profit, which was the case with most genetically modified crops previously approved for commercial use, but university and United States Department of Agriculture researchers who allowed growers to use it free of charge.
60 Mideast immigrants' rates of entrepreneurship exceed virtually every other immigrant group in the increasingly diverse United States economy.




