PREP 07 Test 2

其中07的第二套共包含SC题目 151 题。


序号 题目内容
61 Researchers in Germany have unearthed 400,000-year-old wooden spears from what it appears was an ancient lakeshore hunting ground as stunning evidence of human ancestors who systematically hunted big game much earlier than believed.
62 A survey of 765 working women over eighteen years of age found that 60 percent of them worked 40 or more hours a week and for married women with children under eighteen it was more likely that they would work different shifts from their husbands.
63 Compared to those who do not, running three days a week saves an average of 14.1 percent on health-care costs each year in the United States.
64 The majority of scientists believe that to reduce and stabilize atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, emissions must be cut at the source by fossil fuels that are burned more efficiently and, in some cases, by alternatives such as hydrogen fuel cells that can replace fossil fuels altogether.
65 A group of paleontologists recently announced that a site in Utah has yielded fossils of some of the biggest armored dinosaurs ever found, and they are at least 25 million years older than those of any similar dinosaur type that previously was found in North America.
66 In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.
67 A pair of architects in Britain, who say that giant arches, bridges, and walls made of artificial bone could be easier to design and build than conventional structures, and already designed a number of structures, including a bridge, for showing how their idea would work.
68 Whereas heat transferred between the ocean and the atmosphere occurs more rapidly when the ocean is warmer than the air, it is slow when the ocean is colder.
69 Sixty-five million years ago, according to some scientists, an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest slammed into North America, which, causing plant and animal extinctions, marks the end of the geologic era known as the Cretaceous Period.
70 Results from the 1998 National Demographic and Health Survey confirm that, even when compared with densely populated countries like Thailand and Indonesia, the Philippine nation's fertility rates consistently exceed all of its Southeast Asian neighbors.
71 Unlike other Mayan cities, Cancun's commercial power throughout the lowlands seems to be from using its strategic position at the foot of the highlands, which were a source of jade, obsidian, and other valuable commodities.
72 Several educational research groups are denouncing the mayor's proposal of a system by which individual teachers would be given raises or bonuses should it be that test scores show their students' mastery of reading skills having improved over a nine-month period.
73 Radiocarbon dating of fossils taken from caves on islands along southeastern Alaska's coast suggest that at least a portion of the area was remaining ice-free during the last ice age.
74 Thirteen states from all regions of the country announced a plan to impose new controls on pollution from truck and bus engines in that they will jointly adopt emission limits that would be far stricter than the federal rules.
75 Some patients who do not respond to therapies for depression may simply have received inadequate treatment, having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be effective or having been taken off a drug too soon.
76 A recent poll indicates that many people in the United States hold a combination of conservative and liberal political views; i.e., they denounce big government, saying government is doing too much and has become too powerful, while at the same time supporting many specific government programs for health care, education, and the environment.
77 The Anasazi settlements at Chaco Canyon were built on a spectacular scale, with more than 75 carefully engineered structures, of up to 600 rooms each, were connected by a complex regional system of roads.
78 First discovered more than 30 years ago, Lina's sunbird, a four-and-a-half-inch animal found in the Philippines and that resembles a hummingbird, has shimmering metallic colors on its head; a brilliant orange patch, bordered with red tufts, in the center of its breast; and a red eye.
79 Unlike battery-powered electric cars, automakers say that cars with fuel cells, which supply them with electricity, can provide driving range and performance similar to the internal combustion engine.
80 Although at one time children's programming had been limited to a few hours a week, now, however, there are at least four cable networks that dedicate themselves entirely to shows produced specifically for children.




