
序号 题目内容
4 B is a boy aged 4 years 3 months whose height is 110 cm and whose weight is 19 kg. For each of the following statements, select Yes if, based on the given information, it must be true of B relative to a model population. Otherwise, select No.
5 For each of the following statements, select Yes if the statement must be true of a boy selected at random from a model population. Otherwise, select No.
6 Consider an individual boy from a model population. Suppose that from age 2 through age 5, this boy's weight is at the 97th percentile for his height and his height is at the 97th percentile for his age. Which one of the following statements must be true of the boy at age 5 years 0 months?
7 For each of the following statements, select Yes, based on the information provided, it can be inferred that both the sports association and the news organizations would likely accept that the statement is true. If not, select No.
8 For each of the following issues, select Yes if , based on the information provided, it can be inferred that the sports association and the news organizations would hold opposing positions on the issue. Otherwise, select No.
9 Based on the statements, which one of the following can most reasonably be inferred to be a view held by the news organizations?
13 For each of the following sponsors, select Yes if an attendee of the sponsor's conference would spend less money by employing the ROHH strategy-paying the lowest possible room rate outside the host hotel and paying the nondiscounted registration fee-than by reserving a room in the block at the host hotel. Otherwise, select No.
14 For each of the following roofing materials, select Consistent if the temperature measurement taken on the roof surface for that material (in relation to the other temperature measurements) was consistent with the researchers' hypothesis. Otherwise, select Not consistent.
15 For each of the following statements about the temperature measurements taken in the experiment, select Yes if that statement accurately reflects the information provided. Otherwise, select No.
16 For each of the following statements, select Yes if that statement describes an inference that could reasonably be made from the information provided. Otherwise, select No.
17 According to the information provided, which one of the following values is the least?




