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1 Rock varnish is typically rich in iron and manganese, with the presence of manganese due to bacteria on the surface of the rock. Because the bacteria would not survive on the surface of rocks in the colder, continuously frozen, reaches of Antarctica, scientists were not surprised to discover that rock varnish in the Thiel mountains area of Antarctica consists only of limonite, a form of oxidized iron. This had penetrated from the surface of the rocks into the cracks. However, although moisture is essential to the movement of limonite, snow has not melted in the Thiel Mountains in recent times.Indicate which statement in the table the given information most strongly suggests is true, and the statement that the given information most strongly suggests is false. Make only two selections, one in each column.
4 For each values of y greater than $$2\sqrt3$$, the function f(x) is such that the equation f(x)=y has the form $$x=\frac{(y^2+12)}{y}$$.Select one value for a and one value for b such that the given information implies f(a)=b. make only two selections, one in each column.
7 Archaeologist: although thin-walled pottery is better able to resist the damaging effects of thermal stress resulting from being placed over a fire, such pottery is more prone to breaking during transport. We can therefore make predictions about pottery used by a group of people on the basis of a certain lifestyle characteristic of the group.The archaeologist suggests that a certain type of prediction about a group can be made on the basis of the group having a certain type of characteristic. Indicate in the table the possible characteristic and prediction that most strongly conform to the archaeologist`s suggestion. Make only two selections, one in each column.
8 Consider a right circular cylinder for which the following quantities are all numerically equal:the height, in meter; one-fourth of the volume, in cubic meters; the area of the circular base, in square meters.In the table, select a value for the diameter of the circular base and a value for the height, where both are measured in meters, so that the two values are jointly consistent with the information provided. Make only two selections, one in each column.
9 In the experiment, researchers posed simple questions in geometry to children from varied backgrounds. One group consisted of 7-to-13-year-old children of the Mundurucu, an isolated indigenous group in the Amazon basin. The Mundurucu children, who had no formal training in geometry, answered the questions just as quickly and accurately as did French children of the same ages who did have formal training in geometry. In contrast, 5-year-old North American children had much more trouble answering the questions. The researchers concluded that some basin geometric knowledge is innate, but this innate knowledge typically develops only after age 5.In the table, select the statement that would, if true, most strengthen the researchers' conclusion and most weaken it, respectively. Make only two selections, one in each column.
10 Loan X has a principal of $10,000x and a yearly simple interest rate of 4%. Loan Y has a principal of $10,000y and a yearly simple interest rate of 8%. Loans X and Y will be consolidated from loan Z with a principal of $(10,000x + 10,000y) and a yearly simple interest rate of r%, where r= (4x+8y)/(x+y). In the table, select a value for x and value for y corresponding to a yearly simple interest rate of 5% for the consolidated loan. Make only two selections, one in each column.
11 A mattress company has two stores, one in City X and the other in City Z. The company has advertised equally in newspapers in both cities, but has advertised twice as much on the radio in City Z as in City X. The two cities have similar populations and economies and the sales at each store have been roughly equal. A consultant claims this shows that the radio advertising has not improved mattress sales.In the table, select changes that the company could make in City X and City Z, respectively, that together would probably be most helpful in testing the consultant's claim. Make only two selections, one in each column.




