其中,SC共有 336 题。


序号 题目内容
81 Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also caused erosion and very quickly deforested whole regions.
82 A New York City ordinance of 1897 regulated the use of bicycles, mandated a maximum speed of eight miles an hour, required of cyclists to keep feet on pedals and hands on handlebars at all times, and it granted pedestrians right-of-way.
83 A March 2000 Census Bureau survey showed that Mexico accounted for more than a quarter of all foreign-born residents of the United States, the largest share for any country to contribute since 1890, when about 30 percent of the country's foreign-born population was from Germany.
84 Because of a similarity to dance, synchronized swimming-exhibition swimming in which the movements of one or more swimmers synchronize to a musical accompaniment-is sometimes called water ballet, especially in theatrical situations.
85 While studying the genetic makeup of corn, a new class of mutant genes was discovered by Barbara McClintock, a discovery which led to greater understanding of cell differentiation.
86 At the annual stockholders meeting, investors heard a presentation on the numerous challenges facing the company, including among them the threat from a rival's multibillion-dollar patent-infringement suit and the declining sales for the company's powerful microprocessor chip.
87 Fossils of the arm of a sloth found in Puerto Rico in 1991, and dated at 34 million years old, made it the earliest known mammal of the Greater Antilles Islands.
88 Whereas in mammals the tiny tubes that convey nutrients to bone cells are arrayed in parallel lines, in birds the tubes form a random pattern.
89 When drive-ins were at the height of their popularity in the late 1950's, some 4,000 existed in the United States, but today there are less than one-quarter that many.
90 A mixture of poems and short fiction, Jean Toomer's Cane has been called one of the three best novels ever written by Black Americans-the others being Richard Wright, author of Native Son, and Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man.
91 In an attempt to produce premium oysters, a firm in Scotland has developed a prototype of a submersible oyster farm, sitting below the surface of the ocean, and it provides ideal conditions for the mollusks' growth.
92 Because of wireless service costs plummeting in the last year, and as mobile phones are increasingly common, many people now using their mobile phones to make calls across a wide region at night and on weekends, when numerous wireless companies provide unlimited airtime for a relatively small monthly fee.
93 Dressed as a man and using the name Robert Shurtleff, Deborah Sampson, the first woman to draw a soldier's pension, joined the Continental Army in 1782 at the age of 22, was injured three times, and was discharged in 1783 because she had become too ill to serve.
94 Unlike most other mergers in the utility industry, which have been driven by the need to save money and extend companies' service areas, the merger of the nation's leading gas and electric company is intended to create a huge marketing network for the utilities in question with states opening their utility markets to competition.
95 For the first time in the modern era, non-Hispanic Whites are officially a minority in California, which amounts to a little less than half the population of the state, down from nearly three-quarters only a decade ago.
96 In many nations, criminal law does not apply to corporations, but in the United States today, a corporation commits a crime whenever one of its employees commits a crime, if the employee acted within the scope of his or her authority and if the corporation benefited as a result.
97 Unlike a female grizzly bear in the Rockies, which typically occupies a range of 50 to 300 square miles, a male's range will cover 200 to 500 and occasionally as many as 600.
98 Growing evidence that coastal erosion occurs continuously, not in just such calamitous bursts like hurricanes, has led scientists and planners to urge a stringent new approach to limiting development along the nation's shoreline.
99 Scientists have identified an asteroid, 2000 BF19, that is about half a mile wide and, if it strikes Earth, it can do tremendous damage to part of the planet but probably not cause planetwide destruction.
100 Unlike human runners, who broke the four-minute mile in 1954 and they consistently recorded faster times ever since, horses in classic races such as the Kentucky Derby have had winning times with little improvement: Secretariat's world-record-breaking Derby tine of 1:59 2/5, for example, was set in 1973 and remained unsurpassed more than a quarter of a century later.




